The boyfriend trap

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"They found the mole so that's good" I tell David

"Oh that's great! Who was it?" He ask

"Uhm Jason, one of Angie's people" he just nods. Doesn't look surprised or any emotion about it. That's weird right? I don't know not even relief.

"I have a meeting to get too but I'll see you later" and then I leave.

I decided that the trio had too get back together. I can't have this awkward and hostile environment around the three of us. I need them, they need me. I need this to work. Guys they come and go, so I need this to stay forever.

We're going too bake and listen to music and talk. If we are going to get through this we need food and talk. So that's what we're doing.

"Hello ladies" I say


"Hello darling"

"Well what are we even baking? I was thinking brownies!" I say

"Ohhhh I love brownies" Tasha say

"Weed brownies?" Isla say. We just laugh.
Honestly though she's not joking.

"You know I recently read this book series called 'the twisted series' by Ana huang and I'm so In love with Rhys Larsen" Tasha say.

"Omg meee tooooo" Isla say

"Nah my husband is Christian Harper. Rhys is fantastic but I'm choosing Christian above all!" I add

"There's no way you can say that honestly! Rhys wins!" They both say. We just laugh about it.

It's nice, it's going good well no it's not really. We have like a 30 second conversation every two minutes and then it's just... awkward.

"What happened to us?" Tasha ask.

"I don't know" I say looking down.

"Well we went different paths and that's fine" Isla say

"No that's not it. We didn't go different paths. We all left. One to Italy, ont to russia and me to France. We left and didn't look back, that's on all of us." I add

"Yeah, it is" they both agree.

"We need to call more, too take time too see each other. How about the last Sunday of each month we all take the day off and have dinner or whatever." Tasha was always the one too come up with Therese ideas.

"Yes I can do that!"

"Me too!"

"Well then that's settled." I stated

"Who's gonna tell the boyfriends/husbands?"
Ohhhh that was something I hadn't thought about. Noah won't mind, Elijah though... yeah that's not really his scene. And David, I want to spend more time with him to figure him out.

I need to understand him. I need to know what he's hiding.

"We just tell them separately! How do you think they are doing on their dinner?" Isla say.

Oh I might have forgotten to mention that we tricked the three of them. We said we had important meetings to get too. But we didn't. Then we texted them too meet us at this Italian restaurant. Yea we set up a date for the three of them.

Will they hate us and probably kill us? Yes. Will it be fun too hear them complain? Yes.
All three of them are a bit well laid-back. Noah is a talker yea but not in these situations.

It might be a bit mean but they have too like each other. If we're having dinner last Sunday every month than they have to like each other.

"So Lia wanted to meat at an Italian restaurant?" I ask Adonis. He's obligated to follow me everywhere. So we're stuck together.

She never eats Italian food if she doesn't cook it, or if she's in Italy. It's a thing that she never think Italian food anywhere but at home or in Italy, tastes like Italian food. 

"Weird" he just say  'hmm' as an answer. He knows something.

Wow have I really become this analytical. To see through peoples lies and facades and overanalyze. I'm proud! Evangelia would be proud!

I walk into the restaurant and see... David and Elijah? What is this. I walk up towards them.

"We've been played" David states.
What the hell?

"I located their IP addresses and their all at Evangelias apartment. So yes it is a set up" Elijah say. Well what the hell?

"Why would they do that?"

"To annoy us" David answer. Well yes this is a bit awkward and maybe not how I would spend my afternoon. But it could be worse... I guess...

"Well then let's eat" I say excitedly. I'm starving so is Adonis.

The four of us sit down, Adonis and Elijah start speaking in Russian... I don't speak Russian... maybe this is my sign to learn Russian.

"Can we stick too English?" I ask gently. They are scary.

"Sorry" Adonis say

"Since when does Adonis apologize?" Elijah ask

"I don't this was just a one time thing" do they not like each other? Or what is going on?

David just left... I don't know what his deal is, but I don't like him. I don't think Lia does either, every time his mentioned she frowns.

"What does she see in this guy?" Adonis asks

"Says the jealous man" Elijah add

"Wait, what, jealous of who? Of what?" I ask

"Have you not noticed?" Elijah ask me staring into my eyes.

"Noticed what...?"

"He's in love with Isla" Elijah just dropped... WHAT?

"In love is a big, big overstatement!" Adonis add to the conversation.

"Wait, since when? What? How did I not know?" I ask Elijah. I'm kinda forgetting add his is even here.

"Since two years ago I think. Maybe he's always had a crush on her but I'm not sure. I noticed it after you left and he glanced at her. Tried to talk to her. All that you know, typical stuff-" Elijah just dropped it all

"How did I not notice that?" I can't even understand how I didn't notice!

"Because you were in Russia for two years. And you've been too busy staring and admiring Evangelia" true, very true!

"You know you can just ask me! This is about me, and I'm sitting right here, next too you both!" Adonis jump into the conversation

"Hmmm I will start looking for it from now on! They would look cute!"

Okay so two trios and then there's David... hahahahah
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Word count: 1060

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