chapter 77

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"mail for zhao daiyu!"

chenle strutted into their common room, waving a small — but very familiar — yellow envelope at them.

it was the weekend after mid-terms, and daiyu had still not gotten around clearing things up between them.

she was still a bit afraid for what could happen, because really, she loved what they had at the moment.

she loved being greeted with kisses, and being able to lay in his arms on a random weekday just because they felt like it.

she loved seeing him fall asleep in the library as they tried to study for mid-terms. (emphasis on tried, because what they were doing most definitely was the least productive version of studying).

but daiyu also felt bad for how chenle might be feeling.

sure, he had told her not to worry, and that he could wait, yet she couldn't help feeling bad. the way she wasn't able to give him a proper answer must be torturing him.

"that's from dad."

"yeah, it accidentally landed in our dorm building's mailbox, so i thought i'd bring it over."

she stood up from her comfy beanbag by the fireplace (there wasn't any fire there at 3 pm though) and snatched the envelope out of his hands, leaving a small peck on his cheek in the process.

the rest of their friends didn't even react to that — they had grown used to the two chinese teen's couple-like behaviour over the last week.

"can i read it too?"

daiyu didn't know what chenle could possibly think that he would find out about in that letter, or if he was expecting anything interesting, but she nodded.

the beanbag — that she had now taked place on again — was luckily rather big, or else daiyu would've probably fallen off when chenle plopped down on it next to her.

a small yelp left her mouth, as she unintentionally slid closer to him (because, you know, gravity)

carefully opening the envelope, she took out the letter and ulfolded it.

just as expected, daiyu was met with her father's neat, curvy handwriting. though she had to admit that the letter seemed to be a little longer than usual.

she felt chenle lean his chin on her shoulder to get a better view of the sheet of paper the girl was holding in her hand.

dear daiyu,

it's been quite a while since the last letter i was able to send you.

how are you holding up? you see, i actually got in contact with your head-teacher the other day. it was pretty shocking to find out the government had been keeping track of my location the whole time.

but it was even more shocking to read about everything that has happened to you in the time we didn't communicate. i'm not going to lie, i did feel a bit of worry when i stopped recieving letters, but i just assumed that you were busy with your studies. had i known that you were getting involved with s. c. (safety purposes) i would've probably come all the way over to NSOE.

a kid of your age shouldn't get involved with those kind of nasty things, and i hope that you'll listen to the director, because i know he'll tell you to stay away.

so please do, it's really for your safety.

also, there was another funny thing mr. kim told me about. it seems you've been spending an awful lot of time with a certain member of the zhong family. they're good people, so i approve. i would've liked to hear it from you, but i know that telling your father is probably not the first thing you do when getting your first boyfriend (though i know about hyunjae).

as to how i'm doing; everything's okay for now. i'm a bit further away from you that i would like, but it doesn't look like they could ever find me where i am right now.

so don't worry about me.

anyways, that's all i have to say for now. stay safe, warm, and healthy! and good luck on your exams!

love, z.h.

"he knows about hyunjae?"

daiyu's eyes were wide open. 'how on earth did dad find out about that?'

"hey! i'm literally right next to you. yes, me! the boy your father is referring to as your boyfriend!"

'the boy who would like to referr to himself as your boyfriend as well.' but he didn't say that out loud.

chenle knew that pressuring her wasn't the way to go.

"aw, don't worry, he's no one important anyway. just some boy i almost dated a few years ago, and i wonder how my father found out about that, but it doesn't matter. you are what matters now."

she gently bumped her nose against his, knowing very well that chenle had only said that to mess with her, but still she found his reaction rather cute.

a small, satisfied hum left his mouth as he took advantage of their position, capturing her lips in a kiss.

though she did return the kiss, daiyu was the one to pull away — and that after a really short time already.

"there's other people here."

she whispered into his ear, arms still around his neck.

"excuses is what i call that."

he let out a small snort, moving her legs over his lap.

"because we both know that everyone knows."


chapter 75 literally had twice as many words as this TT

but it's kind of a filler, so whatever 🤷‍♀️

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