chapter 17

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daiyu had never felt more scared than she was feeling at that moment.

slumped against a wall, she was panting heavily, small whimpers of pain leaving her lips.

she asked herself how she had gotten there, but honestly, she didn't remember much.

all she knew is that she was taking a walk after delivering the letter for her father, and the next thing she knew, she was dragged into this alleyway.

but daiyu was trained and quick to react. using both her shifting powers and normal physical strength, she fought the attacker.

but something was different about the man. he possessed some wierd ability, and daiyu still didn't manage to figure out what it was.

somehow, he was able to make her freeze in her place, completely against her will. he could make her feel all kinds of weird things, as if something was moving inside of her body — and not in a natural way.

once she had him pinned to the ground and was at an advantage, her heartbeat stopped, and no matter what she did, she didn't seem to bring it back.

at that moment, daiyu had really felt like she was only a few staps away from death.

but out of the blue, her heart started functioning again, and she was able to continue countering the man's attacks just like she had before, though a lot more tired than before the incident.

and that exhaustion gradually increased, leading her to where she was now.

her attacker had not spoken a word ever since his appearance, and he still didn't, now that he was leaning over her barely conscious body.

daiyu didn't think that she was able to move anymore. her body felt like it was on fire, threatening to burn to ashes at any possible movement.

unable to keep her eyes open, she let them rest, while she focused on breathing to at least stay alive.

just as she thought she was passing out, a high pitched, rather familiar scream reached her ears.

'hyewon.' daiyu thought. 'hyewon is here.'

did that mean she was safe?

she tried openeing her eyes, and to her surprise, the man was not there anymore.

not directly above her at least.

he seemed to have backed up a few steps at hearing daiyu's friend.

she could see him running away now and relief washed over her.

he's gone now. i'm safe.

though she didn't see much anymore, daiyu felt a presence next to her. multiple presences, actually.

"daiyu, dai."

at the sound of her best friend's voice, a tear escaped her eye.

"diayu, can you hear me? can you talk?"

that was hyewon. but there were more people; daiyu was sure of that.

she weakly nodded her head.


"okay, okay. then please don't. just breathe, fall asleep if you want. we'll bring you back to school."

and after that, daiyu didn't remember much, just that a pair of arms lifted her up and most probably carried her back to the school grounds.

there, they must have brought her to the infirmary, since that was where she found herself once she woke up.

she sat up in the bed, curiously looking around.

the nurse was hurriedly mixing some substances together, looking quite concentrated.

due to daiyu rarely ever getting injured, she had never actually met her. unlike yua, who basically lived in the infirmary.

but really, all that she knew about the nurse was that she was a witch in her twenties.

and another rumour was that she was hot. which daiyu could confirm, though she didn't like the reminder of how she heard of that rumour. teenage boys sure were disgusting.

what's the deal with attractive people at this school?

something that daiyu had always wondered, was how the nurse even managed to get a job at NSOE.

witches were somewhat... disrespected in the shifting community. since they were incredulously good liars, it was hard to identify them. if they didn't want you knowing what they were, you would never guess it.

the only way to tell would be their eyes. a pure witch — or wizard, of course — would have beautiful amethyst colored eyes, while those who only carried a part of the genes had more of an electric green shade.

you had to be quite good to separate a half-witch's eyes from those of an earth shifter. and a pure one could just wear contacts.

that was also part of the reason why daiyu didn't think much of treating them differently. if they blended in, then they couldn't really be that bad, right? the mere fact that their powers worked differently then those the shifters held should't be enough to be bad to them.

actually, that was probably the exact reason why NSOE even employed witches. some of them had the ability to heal people with only their hands, and for a nurse, brewing potions and stuff would definitely be useful too.

"do i have to drink that?"

daiyu slightly frowned at the sight of the yellow-ish liquid.

"oh- you're awake." the nurse looked up form her work surface and gave her patient a small smile.

"also; yeah, sorry. it's to regulate your blood pressure. that asshole messed around with that a bit too much."

she gave the woman an understanding nod and accepted the cup. after giving it a small sniff, she immediately regretted it.

quickly downing the medicine and placing the now empty cup on the bedside table, she looked back to the nurse, who seemed to have been watching her with a sad smile on her face.

as daiyu met her gaze, the young witch snapped out of her daze.

"you have some visitors waiting outside. should i let them in?"


lmao all of them being hot is so unrealistic but like, this is fanfiction 🤷‍♀️

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