chapter 48

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"this is insane. probably the worst year for NSOE ever, but i'm loving it. like, what do you mean a student got assaulted by a creepy bloodshifter on the street and now suddenly another student got poisoned in the school-cafeteria?"

seon-ok and ara had not shut up about lunch break's occurences ever since, even though it had been over six hours now.

"you know what really is insane?" daiyu bitterly asked.

her friends, who were splattered across hyewon's gigantic bed(rich girl perks, i guess), turned to look at her.

"the fact that i'll be in the head-teacher's office in less than half an hour, and probably out of NSOE in less than A WEEK!"

the group groaned at daiyu's complaints.

if seon-ok and ara hadn't shut up about lim yoona's poisoning, daiyu did not stop talking and whining because of the upcoming meeting.

now it's not like they weren't worried, but there wasn't really a good reason for the principal to kick daiyu out now.  (it would've been perfectly understandable if she had gotten expelled by the end of their first year though.)

"calm down." haun comfortingly stood up to hug daiyu. "you haven't done anything bad ever since your last time at the office. i'm sure it's about something else."

maybe they were all just in denial.

"whatever." daiyu huffed, and sat back down on the bed.

"it's not like i can change anything about it now. i'll deal with it later."

yua shrugged. "just refuse to leave. it's not like they can physically drag you out of here."

"actually-" oh, seon-ok seemed to disagree. "they very much can."

"keep going guys, i'm sure that's all really helpful to dai."

ara was the one to speak the chinese girl's thoughts out loud.

"i'd go hug you if i could, but it's kinda hard with this thing on top of me."

pointing at haeun, who was laying on her stomach, daiyu blew her friend a kiss instead.

"no but eun, seriously, you have to get off. i don't want to be late."

so the oldest simply rolled over to rest against yua instead.

"fine. don't fight with old-man-soo-man and get back soon!" she called after her as she exited the dorm.

it was the only thing daiyu could actually catch from all of the things her friends were yelling after her, though she was pretty sure that yua had said something about 'beating him up if he did expell her'.


"so... daiyu."

she was now settled in the seat to the other side of the director's desk; a place she knew all too well.

"yes?" her voice was small and quiet, very unlike her.

"i'm not sure if you know the reason i called you here for, but given the circumstances of our last meeting, let me just clarify — you are not getting expelled from NSOE."

he must have found it pretty funny how her eyes widened and a hand flew to her chest in shock.

"thank you very much."

she didn't really know why she was thanking him, but whatever.

waving her off, the man didn't seem to want to beat around the bush.

"of course. well, the reason you are here for, is because i have heard things about a pretty serious incident involving you that happened just about two months ago."

daiyu's heart skipped a beat.

'oh shit.'

after everything she had gone through to avoid anyone important to find out about that, lee soo-man did anyway.

'it couldn't have been the nurse, right? if she wanted to say something, she would've done so much sooner.'

min eunji surely didn't strike her as someone to break her promise, as weird as the witch may be.

but who could it have been if not her? surely none of daiyu's friends would do something like that.

"that... that is true, sir. but may i ask where you heard of it?"

"a group of kids were talking about it between classes — i've seen you around them, so i'm assuming they're your friends. though the only one i remember is miss ahn hyewon."

'okay, so at least they didn't do it on purpose.'

daiyu nervously shifted in her seat, wondering what the man planned to do about it now. like he said, it had been two months already.

"i'm also assuming that you intended to keep this a secret, so i will not notify any higher positioned person, unless you want me to. however, it does anger me a little that you kept such a thing to yourself."

ready to apologise, she nodded, but he interrupted her before she could even properly start her rant of "i'm sorry's" and "it won't happen again's".

"if you remember the last time you visited this office, jo junhyuck of the crime departement was here. he was trying to get me to help him with a very serious matter. now you might have come to that conclusion already, but your attacker was what we call a blood shifter. and a very big group of that kind has been acting up in the past few months."

nothing that she hadn't heard from the nurse already, though the next piece of information he revealed did shock her a little.

"by the time of your attack, two murder cases had taken place already, and to tell the truth, we haven't been able to take any action against them. so we're at seven death's now, and still counting."

seven was a huge number — at least in that context.

"to me, it's still unclear whether what happened to you was attempted murder, or if they simply wanted to threaten or scare you. after all, a blood shifter can kill in the matter of seconds. he could've long gotten the job done before your friends got there."

she didn't quite know what to say to that, so she just nodded again.

"what i want to ask you, is if you want us to set up extra security for you. i can even organise private bodyguards or guards in front of your dorm if you wish."

daiyu's eyes widned for the hundreth time that evening.

"dear lord, no. thank you for the offer, but i've been doing perfectly fine on my own these two months. besides, my friends are with me most of the time."

"however-" she added "-i would really appreciate it if you didn't share any of this with the government. or at least don't mention my name or hint at my identity."

he gave a small nod.

"sure. well, that was all for me, you can leave now. have a good night."

relieved that it was finally over, daiyu rose from her seat and quickly bowed to the head-teacher.

"thank you, you too."


lee soo-man is a very interesting man in this story, but i kind of regret using his name for this now lmao

also, i am literally IN LOVE with djj's debut like wtf

no skips fr, tho cwgb is still my fave on the album :)

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