chapter 43

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seonwoo pressed his back to the wall behind him, breathing heavily.

'what the fuck...'

he thanked the lord for his chinese grandmother, who had forced him to speak mandarin with her ever since he was born.

because otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to understand a single word of the conversation he had just eavesdropped on.

'don't even really know eachother my ass.'

seonwoo scoffed, remembering what daiyu had told him about her relationship with the chinese boy back on training day.

now from what he had heard zhong chenle say, he could say with confidence that he was absolutely fucked.

not only was he extremely suspicious of him because of his behaviour, which chenle was never supposed to notice, but to top it off, he had seen the mark.

stupid enough to believe daiyu when she said they weren't close, seonwoo thought that he was safe in the changing room, despite the other male's presence.

he couldn't let him know about this.

no, that would basically be suicide.

if he or any of his people found out that zhong chenle out of all people was getting suspicious of him, seonwoo could consider himself dead.

but what should he do?

the damage was done, changing zhong's impression of him would be way too hard.

'silence him.'

the idea was simple, yet powerful — if properly executed, that is.

and it's not like it would be his first time murdering someone.

but a direct attack on the boy was something seonwoo couldn't risk.

his death would surely cause enough turmoil already, and it would double if he happened to be stabbed or shot or anything of the sort.

instead, he'd have to choose a more discreet method; poison, for example.

seonwoo sighed as he threw himself onto his bed, stressed out about the situation.

having enrolled at NSOE with the main purpose of keeping an eye on zhao daiyu and eventually getting her expelled, he didn't expect to end up having to target one of the country's most important heirs.

because to tell the truth, that was a whole lot riskier than trying to get a girl kidnapped whose father counted as a delinquent anyway.

his mission had really only consisted of talking bad about daiyu and trying to ruin her reputation little by little, behind her back.

that was obviously not enough, so he had been told to get her into trouble.

and what better trouble was there than framing her to have stolen some mighty rich kid's wallet?

seonwoo did a lot of his dirty-work back in middleschool. pickpocketing was a piece of cake for him.

still, she did not get kicked out, so they had come up with a bigger, and more challenging plan.


he would have to gain her trust, make her believe in his every word and judgement.

because once blinded by that, it shoudn't be too hard to get her to do something grave enough to potentially get her expelled.

but though he was working on it, seonwoo knew that he would still have a long way to go with that.

expecially since he now had to focus on getting zhong chenle out of his way too. and while doing that, he better not get caught by daiyu.


"i really just don't want you to get hurt, daiyu."

daiyu stood there, in a state of shock, not daring to even blink.

her heart was beating at an unheathy pace and her hands were feeling sweaty.

the crackling noises coming from the sparks that were dancing around her fingers were the only sounds to be heard, aside from both of their breaths.

"you don't? well then let me give you some advice; try not to meddle too much with my business. that's probably what will keep me the safest. because ever since you entered my life, there has been nothing but chaos."

daiyu knew that she shouldn't have been so harsh, yet the anger was getting the best of her.

but she had hoped to see at least some kind of reaction from the boy. he was just that cold-hearted.

if he said he didn't want her getting hurt, why didn't he listen to her? why didn't he empathise with her, and try to understand how she felt?

'you're not friends.'

a voice in her head reminded her, but it hurt.

because although they had never established anything, daiyu thought that they had gotten there.

because somewhere in all of the time the two had spent together, she couldn't deny that she started to want that friendship. that she had started to appreciate him as person, and wanted to keep him in her life.

without another word, chenle stepped away, giving her a last, emontionless look, before walking away from her, just like he had walked out of her room.

right then and there, daiyu could feel him slipping away from her.

and call her dramatic, but she felt like everything that they had built up over the last three months had just gone down the drain, crushed and stepped on by him, but also partially by herself.

'all of this, just because i mentioned seonwoo's necklace?'

her knees gave in, and she dropped to the ground.

something was telling her that that was the last conversation she would have with the boy in quite a while.


some of you may think that i'm dramatising this way too much, but hey! i'm a sensitive person and feel very strong about things others might consider trivial, and daiyu has that trait too

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