chapter 52

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the japanese girl looked up from the history textbook in front of her.

after her friends' countless nagging, she had finally decided to pick up her books and start studying for mid-terms. she wouldn't want to fail her very first year of high school now, would she?


after seeing who it was who had called her name, she put her headphones back on and averted her eyes back down to her sheet of notes.

what the boy in front of her didn't know, was that there was no music playing in her headphones.

not that he said anything interesting, but it had to be mentioned. just for the dramatic effect, you know?

park jisung seemed to find the whole situation quite dramatic too, judging by the tremendous sigh he let out.

"seriously, this girl..."

befor she knew it, he had walked over to her side, snitching the headphones off her head in a swift motion, hiding them behind his back.

yua didn't immediately look at him, but she was obviously angered. her jaw was clenched and one could basically see flames in her eyes, despite her being an earth shifter.

eventually, she did turn to him though.

"park jisung. give them back." she spoke through her teeth, controlling the amount of anger she was letting show.

with one arm, jisung propped himself up on the table she was sitting at, his hip leaning agaist it too. his right hand held her headphones up in a teasing manner.

at least that's how she took it, he didn't actually have any malicious intentions.

"not yet."

so she stood up. surprisingly, jisung wasn't that much taller than her; only about 7 cm.

but his reflexes were faster than her, and the beige pair of headphones were now dangling over both of their heads, leaving them in a very unfortunately cliché position.

while that made jisung slightly nervous, yua did not seem to care at all.

stepping closer to him, her hand reached out to grab the headset — unsuccessfully.

"i just need to talk to you, i don't get what your problem is."

given their location, he had to keep his voice down, resulting in him whispering in yua's ear whith their bodies basically pressed against eachother, one of her hands resting on his shoulder.

'dear lord, just how bad does this look to outsiders?'

"you are my problem, park jisung. i don't want to talk to you."

two thin vines shot out of the palm of her hand in an attempt to outsmart him. but once again, he was faster, quickly catching them with his unoccupied hand.

"try that again and i'll simply burn the headphones."

yua groaned, and was just about to counter with something witty, when a voice called out from afar.

"kids! no shifting in the library!"

'ugh. it's that cranky woman.'

yua wasn't the biggest fan of the school's librarian.

"listen, it's not even about us that i need to talk about. i'm just trying to help my friend."

'oh, so it's about daiyu and thong then.'

she awkwardly stepped back and cleared her throat.

now that she knew where things were going and she didn't need to fight park jisung for her headphones, she was indeed bothered by the proximity.

"fine. but headphones first."

jisung gave her a small smile, placing them in her outstretched hand, making sure to have their hands brush against eachother in the process.

'i hate him.'


"alright, what do you need from me?"

her textbooks were now stowed away, and park jisung was sitting right in front of her at the library-table.

"chenle's a mess. he's been an ass to daiyu, and he knows it. but that doesn't change the fact that he cares about her."

yua hummed. she wasn't oblivious, so to her it was pretty clear that the two were just fighting out of pettiness.

but there was something that she wanted to know.

"does he have feelings for daiyu?"

jisung nodded.

"i think so. he hasn't told me anything, and he probably isn't quite aware of it himself either. but it seemes pretty obvious to me."

again, yua hummed.

"and what do you expect me to do about it?"

on the other side of the table, the boy deadpanned.

"i don't need you to actively do anything, they need to figure their own shit out. but i'd like an insight on how daiyu feels about the whole situation. if chenle's gonna come to me for advice, i don't want to tell him to go confess to her or something if it turns out to be one-sided after all."

if only he knew how little yua actually knew about her best friend's feelings.

sadly, daiyu had an habit of not telling people about her issues.

"i... i would like to give you a good answer to that, but daiyu and i don't talk about these kind of things lately."

to say that jisung looked stunned at that would be an understatement.

"but... i do think that she's pretty affected by it. daiyu cares about chenle a whole lot, that's for sure."

jisung nodded.

"mhm... thanks."

though that was everything he needed from the conversation, the boy didn't stand up yet.

he couldn't, not if she didn't break the eyecontact first.

there was something about her bright green eyes that brought him so much comfort, but also made him want to cry at the same time.

and he did exactly what he knew that she didn't want him to do.

"and what's with us?"

"what about us?

"you know what i mean, yua... what happened to us?"


not a tangsuyuk focused chap

i'm not even gonna lie, these two are totally my favourites

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