chapter 50

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to say that daiyu didn't quite understand herself lately would be an understatement.

she'd find herself thinking things she usually would've never thought, and doing things she would've never thought she'd do.

it wasn't necessarily a negative thing either, just change, if you want to call it that.

however, that did mean that she couldn't really explain many of her actions anymore.

and honestly, she was a bit worried about how she would have to explain what she was doing at the moment to her friends.

why was she even running there? what was her goal?

was she thinking that chenle would magically forget their conflict and talk to her again, just because she was worried about him?

'am i worried about him?'

she knew the answer, but it felt weird to say —
or think of — it.

daiyu didn't want to imagine chenle getting expelled of school. it was so obvious that he was innocent. she'd probably storm into that office and threaten the director if he turned out to say that he had gotten kicked out.

'they wouldn't do that... right? chenle's got enough money to get himself out of this.'

still, she felt a little uneasy about it.

sure, they weren't really talking anymore, but that didn't mean that it would be that way forever, right? they would eventually come around and forgive each other, right?

truth was, that though daiyu didn't make any effort to talk to the boy, it wasn't that she didn't want to.

there was a part of her that made her stay up late, staring at his contact on her phone, craving to call or text him. or better even — see a call or text from him appear there.

so maybe this was just her chance to make things right.

she got to the hallway where the director's office was located just in time, as chenle was closing the door behind him.

though she was still at quite a distance away from him, daiyu called out to him.


immediately, he turned around, but his reaction was a bit different than what she had been counting with.

he simply walked away from her at seeing that it was daiyu who had called him name, despite the easiest way to his dorm being the other way.

but she wasn't having any of that that day, so she ran after him.

"chenle seriously, you had me so worried! did they throw you out?"

taking a hold of his wrist, the girl made an attempt to hug him — something she'd never done before.

it seemed as if chenle wanted that to stay that way though, as instantly he wriggled out of her grasp.

"they didn't. now leave me be."

again, he started walking further away from her.

"are we seriously gonna stay this way?"

this time, daiyu hadn't bothered to run after him,

instead, she just stood where he had left her behind staring at his back, a hurt expression adorning her features(though he couldn't see that anyway).

for a moment, chenle stopped in his tracks, and she was sure that he was about to turn around — but he didn't.

he just ignored her question and kept walking, until he disappeared from her sight.

daiyu had no choice but to go back to her dorm too, crestfallen about what happened.

she'd just head straight to her own dorm, as she didn't feel like facing the other girls at the moment.


as soon as he was sure that she couldn't see or hear him anymore, chenle groaned out.

he hadn't been able to think clearly back when daiyu approached him, which led to nothing but him being an ass again.

because it wasn't like chenle didn't want to bring back their old relationship. actually, he had wanted nothing more than to just hug her back, hold her in his arms for a while and make her feel that he was sorry, but he couldn't. not yet.

first, he wanted to make sure that everything concerning the blood shifters was clear to him. and for that, he'd need to find out how he could prove that kim seonwoo should get expelled from NSOE. hell, that boy should get arrested.

he probably would, considering he was guilty of attempted murder.

and who knew how many other things he had done?

anyways — moral of the story; chenle would run to daiyu to clear things up as soon as he had evidence against her 'friend'.

'why was she even there?'

by now chenle had reached his dorm.

luckily, jisung was out with friends, so he'd be by himself to think for a few hours at least.

the thought of her having gone there just to see him crossed his mind.

his heart fluttered a little as he recalled her worried face, but he quickly brushed those feelings off(more like simply ignored them).

'maybe she's friends with jiah and came to wait for her or something.'

that didn't change anything about her worry for him though, and he knew that.


i swear, tangsuyuk are the true masters of miscommunication and being unnecessarily complicated >.<

ADOMANIA || zhong chenleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon