chapter 34

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"wait- who? seon, please tell me you heard who i'm paired with?"

yes, that's how stupid daiyu was.

who paid that little attention to not even catch her partner's name?

"something-woo. i don't think we know them."

'wow, what great help you are, kim seon-ok!'

"boy or girl?"

seon-ok placed her index on her chin and thought for a second.

"it's a boy's name. or at least like i heard it."


the girl shrugged. "could be."

"that's cool, that's the transferee in my physics class i told you about."

but seon-ok hadn't really been listening anymore, trying to find her own partner in the crowd.

'and if it's not seonwoo?'

daiyu decided to go for the safest option, which was to just wait until her partner approached her, or for everyone else to leave so the only person left would be her training-colleague.

fortunately, she didn't wait for more than a minute, before she felt a hand on her shoulder.


the boy — who was quite a lot taller than her — gave her a handsome smile.

"hey daiyu. heard we're training together?"

she answered with an enthusiastic nod. "mhm, guess we are."

the gyms seemed to be full already, so the pair would have to train on the outdoor-field. not that they had a problem with that. the weather was great that day.

"i've heard quite a lot of thing about you around school, zhao daiyu."

all warmed up, the two took in their stances, when seonwoo decided to say that.

"you have? all good things i hope, then."

it wasn't anything new to her that students talked about her. they talked too much in general.

the boy in front of her grinned slyly.

"all kinds of things. but one specifically stood out to me. are you, by any chance, involved with someone romantically?"

"that's a weird way to ask if i have a boyfriend."

"but for your information — i don't."

daiyu returned the same energy and playful look seonwoo was giving her, hoping that for him too, it was just a game.

the last thing she wanted at the moment was a significant other. she was doing perfectly fine by herself, and boys who did nothing but flirt with her just annoyed her.

an exception was chenle. every now and then, the two would joke around like that, both knowing it was completely unserious.

especially since she knew that he had a crush on her best friend.

"mhm. that's good."

'uhhhh, alright then?'

his demeanour quickly changed then, and a competitive expression replaced the cocky one.

"another thing they say, is that you're a though opponent. i might not have studied here as long as you, but don't expect me to be weak."


as daiyu quickly noticed, that was no lie.

she had been able to train with the strongest of students in school, and been coached by very powerful electricity shifters.

it was hard to impress her, even if you were to be better than her.

but seonwoo had managed to genuinely surprise her.

"not bad, seonwoo. not bad at all."

sure, she still didn't have much trouble countering and avoiding his attacks, but the boy had actually managed to land a hit on her more than once already.

"told you so."

the pair decided to call it off and start the 3pm break ten minutes before it's actual beginning.

fire shifting wasn't that difficult for her to deal with, but still she felt rather tired after an opponent like her new friend.

as they sat on the bench at the sidelines, he offered her his phone.

"hm?" she wondered, scooting closer to him to take a look at what he was showing her.

it was some multiplayer game.

and as much as daiyu loved video games, multiplayer on a phone was incredibly uncomfortable.

still, she gave in to the boys challenging look and got comfortable in the new position, closely pressed to his side to be able to reach the phone too.

their awkward position ended up not bothering her much as they started playing.

seonwoo was good, and seemed to have a lot of practice, but daiyu was quick to catch on and get familiar with the game.

"hey! fuck you!"

his character had managed to kick her off the game, making him the winner.

at least she could say she won the previous two rounds.

"you two. break is about to end, you're supposed to be in gym 2 in a minute."

a monotone, bored voice called out to them.

their heads shot up and were met with the face of an annoyed zhong chenle.

or was he just tired? daiyu didn't know.

but one thing was for sure; never since they had made peace after the blood-shifter-thingy did she see that look on his face.

'this is just like the chenle i was first introduced to.'

she honestly had hoped that she would never get to see that side of him again.

seonwoo gave him a polite smile and a 'thanks', before standing up and extending his hand for daiyu to do the same.

as she took his hand in her own, her eyes locked with chenle's, who was looking at her with a stare that she couldn't decipher.

it was different from the look he gave them just a few seconds ago. something less aggressive and annoyed, but more disappointed, or just interrogative.

though something was telling her that she was completely misinterpreting things and reading too much into it.

sharing one last glance with the chinese boy, daiyu let go of seonwoo's hand and walked over to gym 2 with her training partner.


lol anyone got tips on how to promote stories?

bc even tho i'm not taking this very seriously, a couple more readers would be fun :)

ahhh blonde jeno is backkkk
and jisung to😱
and i prefer jaemin in light hairtones but he's still handsome in black😤

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