Chapter sixty one

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Athena and I got married as soon as I finished my practice. It was a small ceremony, with just family and close friends. We both loved that we got to spend our special day with our loved ones. Danielle and Camilla were there, Anna and Emma, Giorgos, and his family. He had a wife and a cute little boy. Charlie and Becky, who were engaged, Athena’s mum and my parents.

The ceremony took place by the beach, and then we had dinner at a Greek restaurant to celebrate. We didn’t keep any of the traditional wedding customs. We had the wedding we always wanted.

Athena wore a long white wedding dress with lace sleeves. And I wore an all white tailored suit. We looked amazing and the wedding was like it was in fairytales.


~Fast forward a year later~

I rubbed Athena’s back as she kneeled over the toilet.

“I feel sick.” She whined.

“I know, love. But it is going to be worth it in the end.”

She emptied the contents of her stomach.

“I know.” She said once she was done. She wiped her mouth and brushed her teeth.

We went into the living room, and she laid on the couch.

“Can I do anything for you?” She shook her head no. I covered her with a blanket and brought her a glass of water.

“Morning sickness sucks. It should be called all-day sickness.” I smiled. She had to take the day off today because she was feeling too sick to work. Thankfully, Danielle was understanding of the situation. I couldn’t take the day off, but I came home earlier.

I put my hand on her belly. A bump had appeared, and it was the cutest thing in the world.

Athena fell asleep on the couch, and I made her her favorite food.

When she woke up, she walked in the kitchen. She scrunched her nose and looked at me.

“What smells like that?”

“Chicken with mushrooms and that sauce you like.” I said confused, and she gagged.

“Please take it out of here.”

“What?” She rushed to the bathroom, and I heard her puking again. I took the pot, put it outside the house, and opened the kitchen windows.

“Is that thing gone?” She said, walking in again.

“Yes babe, are you okay?”

“I don’t know why, but even the smell made me sick.”

“It’s okay. Food aversion is common during pregnancy.”

“Sure Doc.” She smiled and pulled me into a hug. She loved calling me a doctor.

Athena’s POV

Yesterday, I felt awful and had to take the day off. Today wasn’t much better, but I didn’t want to take another day off.

I struggled pushing through the day, and he’d to visit the bathroom twice. Danielle was checking up on me constantly. Her son had gotten his degree and was now working at the school. He was struggling, as it was his first year of teaching, but Cam and Dani both helped me with advice.

When I got home, I dropped on the bed exhausted. Pregnancy symptoms were hitting me hard, but I knew it would be worth it once I got to hold our little angel. We used Alex’s egg and a Greek donor, with similar features as mine, so the baby would look like both of us, kind of.

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