Chapter sixty

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It took us two days to get back on track, but it was 100 percent worth it.

On Monday, Athena was getting ready for work.

"Alex." She yelled as I was in the bathroom, getting ready. I rushed to the room.

"What is it, babe?"

"When will you finally put away your things?" She said with a harsh tone.

"I will do it one of those days." I said in the same tone.

"You will do it today. You can't keep putting this off."

"Okay, calm down." She was getting angry.

"Don't tell me to calm down, I fucking tripped." She yelled.

"Are you okay?"

"No Alex, I hurt my hand." I walked closer.

"I'm sorry babe."

"Whatever." She scoffed and walked past me. She didn't talk to me as we ate breakfast and left for work without a kiss.

I felt bad that she fell and got hurt because of me and I couldn't stand that she was mad at me.

During me lunch break at work, I got in my car and picked up a small bouquet of roses and her favorite chocolate. I drove to school and walked to her classroom. I hid them behind my back and waited outside the door for the bell to ring.

Once the class emptied she yelled for the last kid to close the door. She hadn't noticed me yet.

I knocked on the door and waited for her to open. She did and looked at me, she was still mad.

"I know that I should have put my stuff away, and I'm stupid for not doing so. I feel awful that you fell and that we fought." Her expression softened and I revealed the bouquet of roses I had behind my back.

"Alex." She said softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too, that's so sweet. I...I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"No, you were right. You've been asking me to do it for days." She pulled me into the classroom, closed the door, and kissed me. " I also got you this." I said, handing her her favorite chocolate. "And today, when I get home, I'm unpacking."

"I love you even more now." She said, looking at the chocolate.

"I know, I love you too, babe." I chuckled. "How is your hand?"

"It hurts." She pouted. "Thankfully, it's the left one."

"Good, we wouldn't want to have anything happening on the right one." I winked, and she chuckled. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Athena said. The door opened, and Cam walked in.

"Hey, Alex, I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?"

"I'm good, how is Mrs. Miller?"

"You know you can call her Danielle, right?"

"I know, it feels so weird, though." She chuckled and looked at Athena.

"How is the first day going?"

"Boring, as always."

"Gurl, what's that on your hand?" She squealed, picking up Athena's hand. She turned to look at me and then again at Athena.

"We are engaged." Athena told her with a huge smile, and Cam pulled her into a hug.

"That's so great, I'm so happy for you, congratulations." She squealed. "You proposed to her, right?" She said, looking at me.

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