Chapter 26

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There was a knock at the door and Peyton got up to answer it. It had been long enough since Peyton and Lainey had talked that Lainey had forgotten Scott was coming over. Lainey left her room and went to the edge of the stairs to see who was at the door.

"Hey Sco-" but Peyton was cut off by Scott shoving their lips together. Lainey watched as they kissed and then walked off before she saw anymore. She couldn't watch the girl she loves make out with someone else.

Peyton eventually pushed hard enough to separate her lips from Scotts. "Scott what was that?" She exclaimed wiping their kiss from her lips.

"What do you mean? You said you wanted to talk."

"Yeah, Scott, talk not make out."

"Oh come on babe. Look I know you feel bad, but I forgive you ok. It wasn't you fault so we can pick back up where we left off. No need to start over." Scott went to grab Peyton's face to pull her back in, but was met with a firm slap from Peyton.

"What the fuck was that for?" Scott said holding his cheek.

"I said TALK!"

"And I said no need."

Peyton sighed from Scott's lack of ability to take a hint. "Scott I'm choosing Lainey not you."

"What do you mean you're choosing Lainey?"

"Look can we just sit down and talk about this?"

"No, what do you mean you're choosing Lainey? Choosing Lainey to breakup with? Yeah I know. That's why you called me over."

"Not exactly."

Scott was still confused so he gave Peyton a sideways look and she took it as her cue to continue on. "Ok, I guess I can't force you to sit so we'll just do it here. I loved you Scott. I truly did and I wouldn't trade our time for anything, but I love Lainey and I can see a future with her. When we were together I was all for living in the moment, but I never planned a future with you."

"Well, we can plan one right now." Scott cut in.

"No, Scott, it's not like Lainey and I sat down and planned one out together" she chuckled. "I can just see myself with her in the future. I can see myself building a life with her."

"No, you don't. You see what was set up for you. You've only done that because you thought your parents were going to force you to be with her for the rest of your life, but they're not and they even reached out to me and begged me to come talk to you. Peyton I had a new girlfriend and they convinced me to come back."

"Well maybe you should find her and apologize and get back together with her because I don't love you like that anymore Scott, and the more I think about it I never really did. I loved you because you were popular, we went out and had fun together, you were... decent in bed, but I never loved you the way I love Lainey. I could name a million things I love about her. I could go on and on about why I admire her and why she makes me a better version of myself, but with you all I think about is being that stuck up popular high school girl."

"You love being that girl when you were with me."

"No, Scott I loved the spotlight because it made my parents happy, but Lainey makes ME happy and I'm not giving up what her and I have built. Yeah it may not have been our idea at first, but she has shown and taught me things no one else has. I know that what we have is special and I will never find that with anyone else. So I'm sorry Scott but I didn't invite you over here to get back together. I invited you over because I thought you at least deserved to hear it in person and not over the phone. Please, go find your girl and fix things with her because I don't want to get back together. Goodbye Scott."

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