Chapter 19

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*The day number represents how far in they are to their month of dating, which was 30 days incase you forgot ;)*

Day 1

Lainey woke up first the next morning.  The girls had mutually decided to sleep in separate beds last night.  Lainey had set an alarm so that she could get up for work the next morning.  She had to be quiet since Peyton hadn't set an alarm.  Luckily she was able to get ready and make breakfast for the two of them without waking Peyton.  She put Peyton's eggs and sausage on a plate in the microwave to help keep it warm.  She put the bread in the toaster, but didn't push it down.  She also got out a coffee mug and left in next to the Keurig with a pod ready for her to push down when she got up.  She wrote Peyton a good morning note and told her about the breakfast waiting, and snuck it into her room and put it on her phone so that she'd see it first thing.

It was now 10:00 and Lainey had been working nonstop for the past three hours, yelling at people because they didn't have their stuff done.  The pool for the hotel still needed the leaves and bugs taken out.  The casino still did not have all of the money chips counted and in proper places, they also didn't have their alcohol for the bar in the casino, or the machines filled with money yet.  The club also needed alcohol for their bar, and their stage needed polished.  The cleaning staff was working on making sure all of the rooms had towels and soaps and stuff, but they only had one out of ten floors done.

"I thought you said everything was pretty much finished?!" Lainey shouted into her phone.

"Your father said that there were just a few minor things to finish and that there was nothing to worry about."

"Minor? Mom, the casino is broke!  How is that a minor issue?"

"What do you mean it's broke?  We just had those machines put in last week."

"I mean that there's no money anywhere in the casino.  They also haven't counted all the chips yet.  The stage isn't done, the pool isn't clean, the rooms are still bare, and I don't think there's a single ounce of alcohol in this building!"  As she was yelling Peyton was walked in.  She had went and got Lainey a smoothie, but now she was thinking that she maybe should have gotten something a little stronger.  The girl sounded stressed to the max.  "Whatever, if you ever send  me on a trip like this again I'm either flying back home and telling you you're on your own, or I'm pushing back the opening date, because I don't even think everything is going to be ready for tomorrow let alone everything that's supposed to happen this weekend."

"Just do the best you can Lain.  Not every opening is going to go smoothly."

"You'll be lucky if I open this place at all.  I, now, know why Dad didn't want to open this one himself.  It wasn't because he trusts me, it was because he didn't want to be the one down here if things didn't get done. Also, if it doesn't end up all working out you can best bet your sweet ass I'm telling every news reporter who asks what a shit show he left me."

Her mother just sighed from the other end of the phone.  "I'm hanging up now.  I have things here that need taken care of.  Just do what needs to be done and we will talk about the rest when you get back. AND DON'T TALK TO THE REPORTERS!"  She hung up.

Lainey sighed at her mother's lack of help and her own frustration from the whole situation.

"Is now a bad time?" Peyton asked lightly from the door.

Lainey jumped and gasped.  "Sorry I didn't realize you were there.  No, it's not a bad time. You can interrupt me anytime.  Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing's wrong.  I just came to see you and thought I'd bring you a smoothie." Peyton said holding out the smoothie she'd bought the girl.  "It's something berry, I hope you like it."

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