Chapter 25

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The next few days were great. It was like the fight never happened. If anything the girls were closer since they could both finally relax and not worry about things coming to an end in a few weeks.

Lainey continued going to her meetings and Peyton spent her time in the room working from her computer. They spent the evenings together either out on the town or cuddled up in the hotel room.

It was now time to fly back home and both girls were dreading being back home. They loved their work and their families, but it was really nice to be together without people breathing down their necks all the time.

They had decided to take the day off so as soon as they got back they unpacked their bags and then cuddled up on the couch.

They were in the middle of watching a movie and occasionally making out when their parents barged in without knocking or notice of any kind.

"You guys are free to breakup or stay together, but we will no longer force you to stay together." John, Lainey's father, said.

"We are so sorry that we forced you girls into this." Sarah, Lainey's mother, apologized.

"But at least we are giving you a choice now." Bill, Peyton's father, said trying to shed some light and find a bright side.

"Yeah, and who knows maybe this wasn't such a bad thing. I can tell that you have both grown as people, and it looks like you really care for each other." Monica, Peyton's mother, said piggybacking off her husbands idea of finding a bright side.

"Girls aren't you going to say anything?" John asked.

Lainey and Peyton were too shocked to say anything. They both stood there staring at their parents in silence. Luckily Rue came to the rescue. "I think the girls just need some time to process. How about you guys go ahead and take off and you can all gather back here tonight for dinner?"

"I think that sounds like a great idea Chef Smith, thank you." Monica said grabbing her husbands arm and pulling him towards the door.

"Wait!" Bill exclaimed. "Peyton, your mom and I have one more thing for you." Bill turned to his wife. "Go get him."

Monica walked to the front door and opened it. The person on the other side of the door made Peyton's jaw drop to the floor.

"We know we had no right to come between you two and thought that you should talk and maybe you could get back together if you two still love each other or at the very least better understand things."

Peyton had no response. She was staring at her first love, her high school sweetheart.

"Peyton" Scott sighed. "Baby, I've missed you so much." He said running over to her and embracing her in a tight hug.

Peyton neither hugged him back nor pushed him away. She was too stunned to move. Scott eventually let go, and backed away a couple of steps.

Lainey and her family were too stunned to say or do anything in the moment.

"You need to go. All of you. Give these girls some time to process and come back for dinner." Rue said rushing everyone, except for the two girls towards the front door.

"Woah, woah, woah, lady. I don't know who you think you are, but that is my girlfriend in there and I'll stay if I want." Scott said.

"No you won't little boy!" Rue sassed back. "One, she isn't your girlfriend anymore she is your ex. I don't care if you broke up because you wanted to or not. She's still your ex and technically hasn't called off her engagement with Lainey, their parents did which means nothing until one of them goes public with it. Until then it is just hear say. Two, this isn't your house, you don't work here, and neither Peyton nor Lainey invited you so you are not welcome at this time because the people who invited you are leaving. If Peyton wants you to come back she can call you later and tell you to come back and the people at the front gate will let you back in. And finally I am not only their chef, but I have been the only person who's ACTED like a parent to these girls since their engagement so if I say leave you need to leave because I won't hesitate to get someone to come and forcibly remove you, or better yet I'll do it myself."

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