Chapter 22

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Day 15

"Why are there reports about you going to dinner with an ex last night? You told me you had a meeting!" Peyton yelled as soon as Lainey walked in the door from work.

Lainey groaned and rolled her eyes. "I knew this was going to happen."

"Why! Why would you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you. I was at a meeting. I was supposed to be meeting with the dean of Johns Hopkins. However, he had something come up last minute and sent his daughter instead. Her and I have been rumored to be together in the past, but they were false."

"Not everything can be false, Lainey! Take some damn ownership for once."

"Ownership? Where is this coming from? We talked about those rumors a long time ago, I thought we were past that? What have I done to lose your trust all the sudden?"

"You didn't lose my trust. To lose something implies that you had it at some point."

Lainey was taken back. She thought her and Peyton had worked through all these things. She thought that's why Peyton agreed to give her a chance in the first place. "Got it." Lainey started walking towards her room

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to say something?"

"I'm going to my room to pack for a three night trip I came home to ask if you'd like to go on with me. I don't have anything to say about the other situation because no matter what I do say you aren't going to believe me, so there's no point."

"How do you know I won't believe you?" Peyton followed behind Lainey.

"If you don't trust someone you aren't going to believe them when they talk to you. I don't know what's going on, but I don't have the time or energy to be the bad guy right now. My father is sending me to New York for business. If you would like to continue this I can call you when I land or we can speak when I return since I'm sure you don't want to tag along."

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"I understand. The offer will remain available the whole time I'm gone so if you change your mind you're always welcome." Lainey was packing her clothes trying her hardest not to let her true emotions show or be heard. She refused to let Peyton break her right now. She needed to be strong and she needed to get to New York.

The two stood in silence for the remainder of the time Lainey was packing her stuff. "I'm sorry for the rumors and I'm sorry I haven't earned your trust. I want to fix this, but right now I have to go. Stay safe." Lainey kissed Peyton on her cheek and left the girl standing in the middle of her room. "I'll text you when I land!" Lainey yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Lainey barely made it on the plane before breaking down. She didn't understand what she had done wrong. Sure, she probably should have mentioned to Peyton last night when she got home or this morning before leaving for work that the person she was supposed to meet had sent his daughter instead. But, honestly she hadn't thought it was a big deal because she was under the impression that her and Peyton had worked through everything. It's not like she lied though, Peyton had already been asleep when she got home last night and didn't ask about the meeting this morning so mentioning anything about it had completely slipped her mind.

She spent the entire flight to New York sulking in the office of the plane, where no one could see her.

Peyton had broken down as soon as Lainey had shut the door to their house.

Seeing the pictures of Lainey at dinner with another woman were haunting to her. She didn't want to believe what the media were saying, but how could she not? She knew that the Lainey she knew was different from the reputation the media slapped on her. She knew that her and Lainey had talked about the rumored flings before and that most were false. She also knew deep down that she was overreacting, but she was scared. She was scared to trust Lainey and her end up like Scott, apparently, was.

She felt stronger for Lainey than she ever had anyone else. Which was terrifying to her because she had dated Scott on and off for four years of her life. She was even 95% sure that he was planning to propose soon because she had seen a ring in his nightstand. She was prepared to say yes when he did.

But now, she could see that she would have never loved Scott the way she could love Lainey. She wouldn't say she loves the girl yet, but she would say that losing Lainey would hurt more than it did to lose Scott.

And instead of talking to Lainey like she should have she blew up and now Lainey had left and they couldn't even talk about it.

She knew the girl wasn't running away like she did the first time, but actually leaving for work. It still hurt the same though, only this time she only had herself to blame.

Rue had been in the kitchen the whole time cooking dinner and she was sad to hear the girls fighting. She really thought they were good together. She knew that she had an ace up her sleeve that neither of the girls knew about, she just didn't know if this was the right time to play it or not.

After finishing dinner she made her way up to find Peyton.

"Miss Peyton!"

Peyton heard the call out and quickly wiped her tears. There was nothing she could do about her red face or wet lashes.

Peyton stepped out into the hall. "Yes?"

As soon as Rue saw Peyton and took in the state of the girl, who still had yet to get her breathing back under control, she knew it was time to use her ace. "Dinner is ready dear."

"I'm not hungry, thanks though."

"Please come down and eat, Miss Peyton."

"Rue" Peyton sighed.

"Don't test me girl." Rue said, losing her patience. She was not leaving till this girl ate.

"Okay, okay." Peyton gave in.

After Peyton had eaten half of her plate Rue took her leave.

Rue was quick to call her friend as soon as she was out the door.

"It's time. I need your girl's number, and I need it now."

"Okay ready..."

Peyton was laying in bed when she got a call from a number she didn't recognize.

Because of her job this wasn't uncommon so she answered.



"Who i-... Josie?"


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