Chapter 13

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"Lainey!" Peyton yelled looking around outside. "Lainey, come on I just want to make sure you're ok."

Lainey could hear Peyton yelling, but didn't answer. She didn't want to talk, she just wanted to sit there alone in silence, so that she wouldn't have to listen to anyone nag about what she had done wrong.

"Lainey!... Lai-, oh there you are" Peyton said as she finally found Lainey sitting on a bench behind the restaurant.

Lainey looked up but didn't say anything. Peyton took a seat next to her, but didn't say anything. She knew that Lainey didn't want to talk about what just happened and she was ok with that.

They sat there for 5 minutes in complete silence before Lainey broke it. "If you're waiting for me to talk about it you might as well leave."

"I didn't come here to make you do anything you don't want to do. If you just want to sit here then that's what we'll do. I came here to check on you."

"I'm sure that went over real well." Lainey said rolling her eyes. "I'm sure I'll hear all about it tomorrow at work when no one can hear them yelling at me."

"Do you have any meetings tomorrow?"

"No, but what-"

"So work from home."

"And spend the whole day in the house by myself? No thank you, at least if I go to work I can laugh it off with Kelsey after I get yelled at."

"Who the fuck is Kelsey?!" Peyton snapped.

"Uhh..... my assistant..... Why?" Lainey asked hesitantly.

"And she's with you all day?"

"Yeeeaaaahhhh..... that's kind of what assistants do."

"Is she attractive?"

"I mean she's pretty I'll give her that, but I wouldn't say she's attractive. I'm engaged, and I don't cheat. Plus she's not my type so even if I was single I wouldn't go for her."

"So you have a pretty assistant and didn't think to let me know?"

"I just told you she wasn't my type. Also why do you care so much? Don't act like you haven't been trying to get in contact with Scott again."

"Wait how... wha-"

"Oh, yeah, I know about that by the way. I came home the other night and heard you leaving him a voicemail. I also heard you talking about him to Rue when I got home from work the day we went for ice cream, but PARDON me for having an assistant who's even remotely decent looking. Who, by the way, got the job based on her credentials not her appearance. I didn't even interview her my last assistant did before he left."

"I didn't know you knew about Scott."

"Would it really make a difference? You obviously still love the prick."

"I don't love him I just want closure."

"Newsflash, princess, did you ever think that it might have something to do with your parents. I mean think about it, your perfect relationship went to shit about the time they told you we were getting engaged, didn't it? They probably offered him money or some shit in return for breaking your heart, so that they didn't have to do it, and knowing how stupid Scott is, the dumbass probably took the payment and didn't think twice. I don't know if you realize this or not, but you deserve someone better than Scott, Peyton. Trust me, we ran in the same crowd, all he ever talked about was your body and how easy you were to walk all over. He never cared about anything but himself."

"Shut up Lainey! You don't know what you're talking about. We loved each other."

"You may have loved all of him, but the only thing he loved about you was your body and your status."

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