Chapter 21

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The night went perfectly. The club and casino opening couldn't have gone better, and the girls somehow managed to avoid almost all of the reporters trying to chase them down with questions. Of course there were pictures and stories from the night all over the internet, but nothing of concern.

The rest of the weekend was spent either on the beach, the boardwalk, or at the house. The girls kept everything pretty chill and low pressure. They wanted to be able to hangout and not feel like they had to put on a show for any prying eyes.

They got back late Sunday afternoon, and then decided to spend the rest of the day at the house and call it an early day because they were both tired from jetlag and had work the next morning. Because they were back at their own house they went to their own respective rooms to sleep for the night.

This made for an uncomfortable night for both girls, as they were now used to sleeping together, and missed the other's presence.

Day 8 (Monday)

"Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?" Lainey asked as Peyton walked down and joined her in the kitchen.

"Honestly, it was nice to be back in my own bed, but I missed sleeping next to you."

Lainey really wanted to tease Peyton, but she didn't want to ruin the fact that Peyton was being real. Lainey smiled "I missed sleeping next to you too. What does your day look like?"

"I have a meeting at 9:00 and another at 2:00. Other than that I'm going to try and avoid seeing my parents all day so they can't hound me about our impromptu trip. Yours?"

"I have back to back meetings this morning from 8:00-9:30 and 9:30-11:30. Then I have to write up the rest of the reports I put off all weekend from the opening last week."

"Eww gross. Would you have time to grab lunch together if I came by, or no?"

Lainey couldn't help the smirk already overtaking her face.

"Ah, no. Don't you dare smart off about me asking you to lunch. Do you have time or not?" Peyton playfully wagged her finger and tried to act stern with Lainey.

Lainey laughed. "Yeah, I would love to grab lunch with you, P. You can just come by whenever you want, and if I'm not in my office you can just chill at my desk till I get there."

"Just... In your office... Like by myself?"

"Yeah, unless you don't want to." Lainey shrugged.

"No, no... that's fine. I just didn't expect you'd let me be in your office by myself. What are other people going to say?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. They all work for me except for my parents, and right now I wouldn't be against telling them to go suck my left middle toe if they have a problem with MY girl being in MY office."

Peyton smirked, "Your girl?" She thought for a moment. "I like the sound of that."

"Good" Lainey said with finality. "Now, let's go before we're both late for work."

The morning meetings went as normal for each girl, and Peyton only had to wait like 10 minutes before Lainey was ready to grab lunch.

The two took an extended lunch by accident. They got so caught up in talking to each other that Peyton was almost late to her last meeting of the day.

After separating from lunch, with promises to see each other at home, they both had a boring rest of their day as well.

Peyton's meeting ran late and Lainey had so much paperwork to do that she felt like she was drowning.

"Ugghhh, I swear I want to quit my job." Lainey groaned as she walked in her front door.

Peyton chuckled "Well, hello to you too sunshine. I'm assuming you didn't have a good rest of your day after I left."

"It sucked. I swear every time I felt like I was making progress someone would bring in more stuff to sign, look over, or that I was supposed to do on my own."

"I'm sorry, babe. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, just being away from work is enough. How was your day?"

"Honestly not much better. My meeting ran late because the idiots in marketing decided to throw a hissy fit because I didn't like what they pitched, and instead of accepting my no and presenting something else. Which they should have prepared a back up before coming to the meeting in the first place, but WHAT DO I KNOW?! Anyway, doesn't matter not the point, instead of accepting that their idea was trash they proceeded to spend 30 minutes trying to convince me otherwise. Eventually I just got up and walked out. I was so done, and I knew we'd be there all night if I didn't just get up and leave."

"Did everything turn out okay though? Like did they accept it and go start on another proposal?"

"Probably not. They probably went and cried to one of my parents about it and tried pitching to them instead. And considering I didn't hear from either side the rest of the day I'm assuming it didn't go their way and my parents shot them down as well, but my parents never bother me with that kind of stuff unless they went against what I had said in the first place, and they want to tell me they vetoed my decision."

"Aren't you so glad we work for our parents." Lainey's voice full of sarcasm.

"Sometimes I wish I was like my siblings and had no interest in the company. But it's too late for that now. My parents would never accept it if I wanted to do something else."

"Same, but I wasn't given a choice. Honestly though, even if I wasn't even half way interested I would still do it so that my younger siblings wouldn't have to deal with this shit later."

"What would you have chosen?"

"I'm not sure. I was never really given the chance to explore anything else, so I have no idea. I mean, I know there are things I enjoy, and of course subjects in school I liked and didn't like, but as far as doing something else? I never even had a chance to think about it."

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