Chapter 6

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"Good morning" Peyton said as Lainey joined her in the kitchen.

"Morning." Lainey smiled back.

"Lainey, good morning can I get you anything for breakfast?" Chef Rue asked.

"A toasted bagel and cream cheese please, thanks." Lainey said walking over to the coffee pot.

After the girls were done with their breakfast they both headed off separately to work.

As noon rolled around Lainey found herself stuck in a meeting, so she texted Peyton for help.

Lainey- Call me

Peyton- Why

Lainey- Just please call me.

A few seconds later Lainey's phone started ringing.

"Lainey, what have I told you about your phone ringing during meetings." Her father scolded.

"Sorry, but I have to take this. It's Peyton, I told her to call if she needed anything."

"Lainey, I-"

"No! It's your fault she now calls me when she needs something so I'm going to answer and you just have to deal with it."

"You called?" Lainey said, answering the phone before her father had the chance to retort.

"You told me to" Peyton laughed from the other end.

"Ah, yes sorry I forgot. I'll be home right away I'm leaving now." Lainey said grabbing her stuff and turning to walk out while still on the phone.

"Wait you can't just leave in the middle of this meeting. We aren't-" but John was interrupted by his daughter before he could finish.

"I can and I am. I wasn't supposed to have any meeting today anyway, you iterally sprung this on me this morning. We can reschedule this for sometime next week. I'll have Kelsey give you a call to set something up."

"I'm the boss. You set up meetings with me not the other way around." Her dad yelled.

"Have a good weekend John." Lainey said walking out of the meeting.

"It's dad to you." John fired back.

Lainey whipped around "NOT anymore!" she scolded.

"Well that went better than I expected." Peyton said through the phone.

Lainey jumped a little scared from the voice coming from her phone. "Holy fuck! I forgot you were still on the other end."

Peyton chuckled. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Are you on your way home?"

"I am now thanks to you. Are you?"

"Yeah, I'm like 7 minutes or so from the house."

"Ok, I'll see you when I get there."

"Ok" Peyton said.

Peyton was in the kitchen when Lainey got home.

"Peyton?" Lainey yelled as she walked in the door.


Lainey walked into the kitchen and found Peyton eating lunch. "Have you eaten?" Peyton asked.

"No, but it's fine I'm not really hungry. I'm going to change." Lainey said turning to walk upstairs.

"Wait!" Peyton yelled still wanting to talk to Lainey.

Lainey turned and raised her eyebrows indicating that Peyton had her attention. "Hoooowww was work?" Peyton asked drawing out the first word.

"Fine. Spent most of it in a meeting with my father." Lainey said rolling her eyes over the last word.

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