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To say Yao Shen is shocked to learn he's been asleep for the past week is an understatement.

Tan Liansi's face is flushed with relief. "I thought I fucked up the dosage somehow and it affected you too."

Yao Shen smiles sheepishly, feeling somewhat guilty for having worried her. "Ah, no I managed to get into Xin Hulei's dreams, with uhm, my ghost king abilities."

Xin Hulei gets up from the bed as if he hasn't spent months laying on it. He stretches his shoulders and arms above his head like a cat. Yao Shen watches the play of muscles under his smooth skin with open want.

"Are Jincan and Heimao awake too?" Xin Hulei asks, scratching his lower abdomen and drawing Yao Shen's eyes towards the sharp v of his hipbones.

He swallows drily.. It's been a long time since they slept together.

For the past two months Yao Shen has been running on auto-pilot, doing his best to take care of Xin Hulei, and Heimao and Jincan. His mind was too busy to even think about sex, but now Xin Hulei is awake and well, and the gears in Yao Shen's hindbrain are turning.

He's so distracted that he barely hears Tan Liansi's answer. "I checked on you guys first, so I don't know, maybe," she says, smiling at the possibility.

It becomes obvious once they walk into their bedroom that the two of them are still fast asleep.

Tan Liansi deflates, slumping against the wall with a mournful sigh. "What now?"

"I think the only reason I was able to wake up is because Yao Shen went to get me," Xin Hulei says, looking out at the bed where Jincan and Heimao are sleeping peacefully side-by-side.

Yao Shen agrees with him. "I'll try to slip into their dreams tonight," he says, even if it means he'll probably be asleep for two weeks.


Xin Hulei announces he wants to take a shower, and pulls Yao Shen in with him, who puts only the barest of coy resistances to it.

They don't do anything in the shower, out of respect for Tan Liansi who's still walking around the apartment, helping out.

It still feels like a luxury to wrap his arms around Xin Hulei's neck and feel his slick skin against his under the hot spray.

Yao Shen shivers each time Xin Hulei runs his hands down his hack, and hides a pleased laugh against his neck when one of his hands grows more adventures and grips one of his cheeks, squeezing softly.

"You've lost weight," he says, still kneading the skin. "Can't have that."

Yao Shen drops a kiss on Xin Hulei's jawbone that soon turns into a bite. "Well, it's because I've been worried about you, so you need to make it up to me now."

He pulls away to look into Xin Hulei's eyes and is surprised to find them overcast. "I'm sorry," Xin Hulei says, his voice low.

"No, I was just joking. It's not your fault, you have nothing to apologise for." Yao Shen wraps his arms around his neck tighter, eager to reassure him.

He can't stand to see that guilty look on Xin Hulei's face.

Xin Hulei closes his eyes and returns Yao Shen's kisses. The water keeps beating down around them, and eventually Yao Shen grows self-conscious about how wasteful they're being.

They're almost finishing their shower when Xin Hulei wraps one hand around Yao Shen's waist and reels him in for one more kiss. "I'll make it up for you either way." He whispers the words against Yao Shen's lips, making a delicious shiver run down his spine.

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