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There's not much Yao Shen can do besides shoot Jia Hao a warning glance, and try not to show his discomfort.

No one else beside him and Xin Hulei can see Jia Hao.

It's not like he can ask security to escort him out of set.

He's well aware that he's on thin ice, not only for the whole scandal with Xin Hulei, but also for the sudden revelation of an unsolved crime on live TV. The last thing a production company, or a network, wants before their show even airs, is for its actors to be shrouded in controversy and speculation.

Anything that could hamper the show's chances from airing on schedule is going to worry them.

Yao Shen can only imagine how well it would go down if they caught wind that the lead actor was hearing voices and talking to the air.

"Sorry, I think I missed my queue. Can we go from the top?" Xin Hulei asks, addressing Director Chen who nods and tells the cameramen, "Reset, from the top."

Yao Shen is relieved that at least for a moment, he won't have everyone's attention focused on him while the crew gets everything ready to shoot again.

It doesn't buy him much time, because the cameras barely moved on the trolleys, but it's enough for him to stage whisper to Jia Hao: "Now is not a good time, come back later."

"No, I've been waiting enough! You said you'd help me but you didn't do anything." He grows angrier as he speaks, his wan face almost getting a little color in his rage. "You owe me!"

Yao Shen keeps his head down, determined to ignore his presence and not draw any more attention, but Jia Hao won't be deterred.

He steps up on the table and starts jumping up and down while waving his arms, his curly air bouncing like a fluffy cloud. "You are a liar, you have no honor, you can't keep up your word," he chants, working up a ruckus that makes Yao Shen flinch at the noise.

A production assistant walks up to Yao Shen and straightens out the sheet of paper and the inkstone and brush on the table, her hand going straight through Jia Hao's legs.

That annoys Jia Hao even more who tries to get hold of her hat but his hands just shoot through her head.

As she walks away Yao Shen can hear her complain, "I got a headache all of a sudden," as she rubs the place Jia Hao's hand went through.

"Ok everyone, action," Director Chen says, snapping his fingers together and sitting up straight in his chair.

Yao Shen closes his eyes and holds the brush firmly, determined to ignore Jia Hao and his temper tantrum.

When a thick winter cloak drops on his shoulders, Yao Shen's little jump or surprise is only partially acting. He's relieved not to see Jia Hao anywhere, when he opens his eyes.

"The days are getting colder, Shizun should be careful," Xin Hulei says, reciting the same line as in the first iteration of the scene.

Except this time, when he tries to place the hand warmer on Xin Hulei's lap it slips from his fingers hand falls on the floor, scattering warm coals on the end of Yan Shuyi's robes.

He's quick to act and neutralize the coals and whisk them away with a flick of his wrist -- which will of course be added later in post production.

For now, he gives Xie Huan and amused shrug. "It's the thought that counts," he runs his fingers over the fur around the collar of the cloak. "Thanks for the cloak."

Xie Huan's face goes through a series of expressions, and Yao Shen can't help admiring Xin Hulei's talent.

He doesn't think he has ever seen him look the way Xie Huan does now. Xin Hulei looks like the kind of person who has never made a blunder, let alone look embarrassed.

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