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Yao Shen screenshots the conversation immediately, and sends it to Xin Hulei.

To Gao Wu he replies:

[Little Menace: sounds very interesting, didi. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help.]

Time passes without him getting an answer. For a moment he's worried Xin Hulei blocked him, but he can clearly see his message was delivered so maybe he's just ignoring him.

Each second that goes by without Xin Hulei getting back to him just makes Yao Shen feel more nervous.

What if Gao Wu is suspicious about Xin Hulei too?

Yao Shen remembers the System telling him about other 'Exorcists', early on, but Yao Shen put the whole thing completely out of his mind.

He assumed it was just something Si Wang told him to convince him the whole 'capture the demon king' thing was legit.

Now he's not so sure, and worse still, he has no idea of what it means.

Was Si Wang taking inspiration from reality when he told him about the other exorcists? Or is he in a hurry because someone else is trying to get their hands on Xin Hulei, maybe other demons too?

Neither possibility is reassuring, and Xin Hulei still won't tell him anything.

Yao Shen feels powerless stuck inside his apartment. There's nothing he can do from home, so he might as well go back to Youdu and find the Impermanences.

For a moment he considers drinking his memories, seeing for himself if the story Qing Yu told is real or not, but he doesn't feel ready yet. Moreover, what would be the point?

Xin Hulei won't trust what he has to say.


This time Yao Shen visits Youdu wearing a hoodie which covers most of his face, a long scarf wrapped around the bottom half of it. He knows he looks mildly ridiculous, but the good people of Youdu need only look to the side to see much worse.

He doesn't draw any undue attention as he walks through the street but that stops once he starts asking where to find the Black and White Impermanences.

"You don't find them, they find you," an elderly street-vendor tells him, as if Yao Shen is really stupid.

"You either find the Black or the White Impermanence, they're estranged these days," a waiter at a teahouse says, looking as if she's in the mood to gossip. "Everyone says they had a falling out years ago."

"Stupid boy, just go straight ahead, turn left on the teashop, then walk for two li, and turn right on the teahouse, then it's a straight path up the pagoda and on the left you'll find the Wuji pavilion."

Yao Shen couldn't remember those directions if his life depended on it, especially since a great deal of them seem to hinge on his ability to distinguish a teahouse from a teashop.

The situation is only further complicated when another man starts berating the first one, and accusing him of "misleading the youth."

"Young man, listen here, what you want to do is stay on your right, and turn RIGHT on the teashop--"

Yao Shen makes a silent exit while the two men scream at each other, deciding that he can probably find the Impermanences on his own.

He wonders aimlessly, and when he gets tired of wondering he asks the ghosts for directions, he gets some more conflicting explanations and gives up -- the cycle repeats.

He's resting under a scholar tree, when a shadow falls over him, obscuring the light from a line of paper lanterns hung from a building nearby.

"I heard you were looking for me," a melodic voice asks.

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