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Yao Shen doesn't have anything else to tell the system.

He's not interested in, what...having Xin Hulei under his thrall?

He's even less interested in whatever power struggle is going on in Youdu between the ghost kings. For better or worse Yao Shen is no longer one of them, so he's going to keep his head down and just deal with it until he can get away from this madness and go on with his life.

[Host should reconsider.]

He's not going to.

[There might come a time when Host won't have a choice.]

The System falls silent after that. No matter how many times Yao Shen directly asks it for answers, he doesn't get a reply.

"Is everything okay?" Xin Hulei asks, noticing Yao Shen's pinched brows, his serious frown.

"I'm fine," Yao Shen says, just as the car comes to a stop on the station's parking lot.

They get out without another word, and put on masks and sunglasses to mix in with the throng of commuters and passengers undetected.

This time, they all travel in the same compartment to make logistics easier and make it harder for anyone to approach them.

Some of the security guards stay outside, patrolling the hallways like restless passengers who can't make up their minds about where to sit.

Inside the small private cabin, the three of them and Bi Jialu look out the windows in silence.

Now that they've exposed the criminals, Yao Shen feels a cold anxiety settle into him.

Who knows what's going to happen now?

Who knows how the public is going to react, the authorities?

No one expects celebrities to get involved into unsolved murder cases. Will they think this is a just a ploy to get more attention?

Will the realization that they made such a public spectacle of it, because they didn't trust the police force not to let itself be corrupted over the unsolved death of two prostitutes, land them in hot water?

Yao Shen doesn't even notice it when the train starts moving, his mind whirring at speed.

The silence in the cabin is too cloying, Yao Shen can't take it.

He knows it's not a good idea, but he starts browsing weibo.

As expected, all trending topics are about the dramatic reveal in 'Missing Piece of Love'.

[Lilly bloom: Watch here the video of one of suspects trying to escape the network studio during the live recording of 'Missing Piece of Love' shocked.emoji angry.emoji

Let's hope the police will do their due diligence and bring this criminal to justice, as well as all the other suspects.]

[Day after day: I still can't believe that a murder was revealed during a dating show. Truth is stranger than fiction]

[Cat Lover: Well, they had to act fast to trap in the one suspect whose identity they knew. It's a good thing that celebrities were the ones to stumble on the secret footage. Someone else might just have handed it off to the police, and a powerful guy like that, as soon as he knew someone was on him would just have hopped on to a private plane and left to another country.]

[Winter bug: Anyone know anything about the other men in the video? Have they been found yet?]

[Snake charmer: Not yet, this just happened, how would anyone know anything?]

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