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It takes Yao Shen a long time to reply, and in that time he feels Xin Hulei's gaze on his lowered head.

Before he can come up with something to say, Xin Hulei texts him.

[Xin Hulei: Nevermind, get some rest, we'll talk tomorrow]

Yao Shen's head shoots up the moment the message arrives, he wants to explain himself somehow, but Xin Hulei is no longer looking at him. His face is braced on his open palm as he looks out at the speeding scenery, the streetlights reflected in his dark eyes.

Across from Yao Shen, Tan Liansi is giving him a contemplative look, her eyebrows drawn.

Yao Shen really isn't going to get into her good graces anytime soon.

The worst part is that he would have liked to sleep over at Xin Hulei's apartment. It feels like they have had barely any time together.

Xin Hulei so selflessly helped him when he told him about Ye Fang's fears, it feels cruel to dismiss him.

He doesn't know what to say now to dispel the awkwardness.

In the end, he doesn't text Xin Hulei again for the remainder of the train journey.


There are cars already waiting for them as soon as they arrive in Hengdian.

Each of them is escorted to their own car with their respective assistants and personnel, without as much as a brief goodbye.

No one knows what's going to happen yet, so everyone is stepping on eggshells. It's easy to assume that their agencies will not be pleased, so both the assistants and security are keeping tight-lipped until they have more information.

Even Bi Jialu who is usually so friendly, doesn't speak a single word to Yao Shen all the way to the hotel.

He's sure they did the right thing, but he understands everyone's apprehension -- they're probably worrying if this will impact their own livelihood, if the agencies will blame them for not noticing any of this happening right under their noses.

"Have a good night, Lulu," Yao Shen says, when he steps out of the car. "I'm sorry for the confusion this all caused. If anyone tries to cause trouble for you, just blame it all on me."

Bi Jialu gives him a slight smile from the corner of her lips. "Goodnight, laoshi, get some rest."

Yao Shen should heed her words and go straight to bed, but he's still thinking about that text from Xin Hulei that he never answered.

He could text him again and ask him to come pick him up, but that feels a little like imposing.

He has a better idea, and a System ability that can come in handy.


It's a shame that 'Underground Level Access' can only take him to the Underworld. It would be extremely convenient for Yao Shen to open a door right outside Xin Hulei's own, bypassing the inconvenience of being recognized.

He can use the next best thing though, which is hailing a ride to Xin Hulei's neighborhood, and then using invisibility to run all the way up to his building and floor.

By the time he knocks on Xin Hulei's door he's panting from the effort, and no longer invisible -- all in all a wild success.

Xin Hulei gives him a confused look when he opens the door. "Did you run all the way here from the hotel?"

Yao Shen makes his way past Xin Hulei and inside the apartment. "Yes, so you should feed me and let me crash here." He collapses on the sofa with a tired sigh. Moments later, Heimao bounds over to him and bumps his head against Yao Shen's cheek.

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