Chapter 16

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Episode 16

It was a 30 minutes drive to the supposed address. We park our car, a yard away from the building then we sat carefully to survey the building. The building was guided With some men dressed in black suit. they look unarmed, but everyone of them have a pistol gun, beneath his suit.
” how are we to attack a building we no nothing about? ” I asked perplexed.
” I guessed you forgot to ask Desmond for the building plan, anyway I asked him and I have it here” Elizabeth answered. She brought out her tab, then she place it in between us.
” here’s the building plan. The building have one entry and also one exit at the back door. Inside the building is an underground chamber. That’s where the girls will probably be. Once you are in the building, you head straight to the lobby, cos that’s where you will find the entrance to the underground building… ”
“wait are you not coming in with me?” I cut in with a question.
“no, I’m going to create a distraction, while you will silently creep in from behind…”
“that’s suicide, you gonna get yourself killed ” I cut in rapidly.
“I’m sorry, that’s the only way in” she replied slowly.
It was a hard decision for me to accept, but she had made her decision.
” please I want to see you back alive ” I said with a trembling voice.
“I can’t promise that, now give my those grenade. ” she said. i stretched forward the smoke grenade to her.
“what are you going to do with the smoke grenade? ” I asked curiously. she smiled a little before replying me back.
“those are real grenade, only one of them is smoke grenade, the rest are explosive, you may have the smoke grenade, you will need it when you are in. I’m taking the bad grenade ” she replied.
That got me by a surprise cos I never knew I’m armed with an explosive device.
“Holy shit!!!, how are you going to use them? ” I asked curiously.
” Simple, A bullet may have your name on it, but a grenade is addressed to… Whomsoever it may concern. Now let go kick some ass ” She said as we head out together.
” wait for my signal” she said as we both head in various direction. I took the route to the back door, the building was fenced so I have to climb over the fence. I peeped my eyes in and I saw three men on suit, they are strong and huge like a wrestler. I waited patiently for Elizabeth to give her signal. Doing this period I quickly say some prayers , I was holding two pistol so I hide one and hold on the other.
All of a sudden, I heard an explosive sound followed by tremedious heavy gun shots. I guessed that was the signal. I peeped in the second time, I found out that all the guards are gone. Without wasting any time, I jumped in. Immediately I’m in, I head for the back door, To my dismay I found the door locked, So I have to use what I got . Holding a loaded Beretta M9 pistol, to hell with the door. I gave it one shot and the door sprang open.
I advanced in directly heading straight to the lobby, I can still hear the distant gun shots coming from the front side. That’s shows that Elizabeth is still combating with them.
I got to the Lobby in no time but I found two guards waiting for me, it’s a matter of shoot or you get shot. Without a second thought, I pull the trigger, and one of them fell dead. It was a surprise shot, Before the other could realize the reality, I took him down also.
I was about entering the underground cave when Lydia call came in.

Lydia : Ay, we just received a call from yemi now.

Me: so what?

Lydia :She’s calling for reinforcement. she’s sending us in.

Me : what?

Lydia : yes, you have to do whatever you are doing
and leave before its too late.

Me: how many much do we got?

Lydia : 20 minutes.

Me: good thank you.
Immediately I ended the call, I contacted Elizabeth through the wiresely Bluetooth device.

Me: Elizabeth we got incoming reinforcement.

Elizabeth : seriously it’s quiet fun out here.

Me: I need you to listen to me!!! Those girls got AKs.

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