Chapter 3

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Fear is inevitable, it comes to the bravest but lives with the coward.

I had hardly finished my statement before they both took to their kneels. I watched as they both ran in opposite direction. I don’t even know which one to follow. Ope ran like an athletic champion and Agatha on the other side is out of sight . I waited for them to return, but they didn’t, so I head all the way home alone. I remembered I have an outing with Ayokemi, so on getting home, I made preparation for it. I wouldn’t want to ruin the outing, so I make a schedule plan for it. I dressed in the very best outfit that could make a lady take a second look on a guy. Well am astonishing, I don’t need anyone to tell me that .

Exactly 5:40, I head 5to her residence. I wasn’t allowed in, into the G.R.A so I ran a call through to her, she spoke with one of the security personnel on phone and he allowed me in. Locating her apartment wasn’t hard, every building have a recognition number. So with that, am right in front of her door. I knocked, but I shouldn’t have. There’s an alarm button by the door I should have press, but the blood of locality runs in me… I hit the door hard.

She opened the door, but I stood there gasping for breath. Perhaps her beauty took away my breath.

” do you wanna come in first or are we good to go like this?” she asked after she realized my immobility.

” you are beautiful” I let out, and she gave a blushing smile.
” so where are you taking me to?” She asked after she recovered from her blushing smile.

” beautiful places for beautiful people like you” I said.
” can you drive? ” she asked while swinging her car keys.
” sure I can” I said. I remembered when papa was teaching me how to drive, well he didn’t make a good driver out of me, but at least, I can still maintain the first and second gear. I collected the key from her, then we drove out. I showed her around the town first then I took her to my regular club house. But before then, she told me all I needed to know about her. Some came as a suprise to me, and some don’t.

She happens to be born with a golden spoon Her father is a judge and he was once a state commissioner. Her education was fast, immediately she graduated she got a job as a lecturer through her father's connection. She didn’t say anything about her relationship status, but I know how to get everything from her mouth. So I took her to the club house, I met Ben and others and I gave them a signal greeting. They signalled back saying “well done ooo”

” what will you like to take ma’am? ” I asked her. She looked at me with a wired face but later speak up.

” call me by my name, I love wines, but i don’t know if they will have my taste ” she said.
” and what’s your taste, if I may ask?” I said with a lustful smile.
” wines like cheval blanc, château Lafite, château margus, penfolds” I didn’t let her finish before I cut it.
” quite an expensive taste, sincerely speaking i have never heard of those wines before, I don’t know if you will manage Hennessey” I said. She shrugged her shoulder and I ordered for it, with a plate of pepper soup each .
She’s one bastard of a drinker. While I was still battling with a cup of Hennessey, she has ordered for another bottle of Hennessey. I know its a matter of time before she start seeing stars. I seized the opportunity to ask about her status, and she gave me what I needed, single, I wouldn’t have think otherwise anyway.

Everything was going smoothly, until they arrived, the “slays “. Immediately I slighted them, the Hennessey am drinking started tasting like alomo bitters. I can see Ben and the rest shifting uncontrollably on their seat. Ayokemi on the other hand is enjoying herself, she’s at the edge of getting drunk but not totally drunk. Perhaps her experience with drinking has rigid her hormones from getting easily drunk. If am to drink what she has drank, I would have been singing song of praises. i don’t want to spoil her fun, but I can’t stay any minute longer, considering what I have seen about those Queens and what they are capable of. No one will want to wait.
” Ayokemi, its getting late, I need to take you back home” I said with some little fear.
” the fun is yet to begin” she said drunkenly, then she emptied the Hennessey she’s holding. I looked back to check on my friends, but I found their seat empty.

AYOOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant