Chapter 13

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☆☆  EPISODE 13 ☆☆

We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are.

Reconciling back with yemi was quite a tedious task. The fact that I was the one that break up the friendship makes it more difficult for me reconcile back with her. Well there is nothing bad in trying, no one know what holds ahead.

Visiting the Queen’s Villa is like going to the white house on a visit to the Mr president. After calling yemi severely for days without no response, I decided to meet her in person, since she decided to ignore my calls, I have to try the alternative way.

The first time I went to the Queen’s villa, after waiting for hours outside the hot sun, I was later told to come back another day. No amount of words could express how angry I was that day, since I got no choice, I had to make it another day visit. This go on for a week. I felt like giving up, but something always kept me going. I send several text to her but I receive no reply from her.
During an evening lecture, a lady dressed on a black suit entered in and whisper something into the lecturer hearing. The lecturer faced me, and I was being mentioned out . I was instructed to follow the lady, I obliged and i follow her out. She took me to a private car, pack outside the school perimeter, I entered in and I found Janet sitting at the back seat. The other Lady entered in and sat at the driver seat .
” is she your new driver?” I asked immediately I entered in.
” emmm… No she’s not, she’s my friend and also a specialist at decoding a lot of things, meet Elizabeth my friend from UK ” Janet said as she directed her view to her. I shifted my gaze to Elizabeth and stretch my hand forward for a handshake.

” wao, Elizabeth, as beautiful as the name sound. its a pleasure meeting such a beautiful lady like you, I wouldn’t mind holding your hand all day, its so soft and smooth and just exactly is your face, you won’t be busy tonight will you?” I said trying out my charm on her. She gave a blushy smile reveling her beautiful set of teeth.

” absolutely, I will be romantically busy with my husband. Anyway, It’s nice meeting you.” she answered. I guessed that says it all, I won’t be reminded to back off, before I do. Who knows who her husband might be .

” you might be wondering why I called you here…” Janet said, but I cut in her speech.
” cus you’ve been seeing me around the Queen’s villa, I got it, am back into the game ,but—i wouldn’t want you to be involve, I’m doing this my own way…”

” will you just shut up! You are asking me to get me ass off my case, that’s so ridiculous. You are going to tell me your plans or I get it forcefully out of you” she yelled. That was quite rude, but she wouldn’t want to know who got me involved. I wouldn’t want to tell her either. I couldn’t get angry, because of the beautiful eyes starring at me, so I maintained my calm and slowly find my way out of the car for a pee. Elizabeth came rushing after me. After calling my name twice, I stopped on my track.

” Ayo am sorry for all what she said, she let her emotions took over her, I know she’s not like that. Please don’t be annoyed ” she said.

I wasn’t angry at the first place, I just went out to have a pee, since she think of me being angry, I need to act like I am.
” actually, that was not assertive, well that’s gone, by the way I hate missing lectures, I got to return my to where you called me. Talk to you some other time ” I said, then I head back to the lecture room.

I returned home from lecture around 5pm, only to find my room opened. I entered in hoping to find Agatha cos she’s the only one that have my extra room key. But to my surprise, I found Janet sitting comfortably on my bed. I flitched, cos I wasn’t expecting her.

” how do you get it here?” I asked perplexed.

” where are your keys?” She asked, and immediately, I began checking my pocket for my key, but i found it not .
” looking for this?” She said swinging the keys in the air. She stood up and walk briskly towards me.

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