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      " Mom! " I rushed into the room Mom was admitted and I fell on her..
      "Mom ! You can't do this to me " I need you by my side. "Mom you promised!"
      "Mom talk to me" !! I yelled shaking her vigorously...

"Mom talk to me !!! Please!! Your the only family I have left ". I yelled cupping mom's face as tears ran down my cheeks.


     I watched from the other side of the bed. I couldn't hold back the tears that were already forming in my eyes.. I was so shocked beyond core. I had already fallen in love with Zelda's mom and we were already getting to know each other.
      " Why now! " I yelled innerly
  Zelda looked devasteted her eyes were  red and swollen .Her beautiful face  were stained with tears.
       I ruffled my hair several times and punched the table..    The doctor came in

  " Hello" he said . " Please are you Zelda  Brandon.
" Yes I am" she replied with a sob.

  " We ran some tests on her and she has a condition known as .. " CALBRITAITIS". Which only comes up when she over stresses her self or over thinks . During the test we also found out that she has been taking drugs that are not meant to cure it .. and it added to the situation she presently is " he concluded with a frown.

" Oh! No but doctor she'll be fine right? " She asked .
" I'm afraid not! Coma is a 50 50 thing . 50% chance of living and 50% chance of dying. Her condition is really terrible it's by the grace of God she'll live. I'm sorry " he said codly.

"Please I'll need someone to sign some documents  and bills " he said .

" I'll do that " I said and Zelda's face brightened a little.

I Left to settle some issues I had in the construction site for the building of the new hotel in  " Calloway" . Which was a four hour drive . I was with Liam his my assistant anyway.

" Sir you didn't come to work today" Liam said

" Yes! I'm aware. I had some issues to settle" I replied and my thoughts fell on Zelda how was she coping with all this drama but Liam cut me off.

" Sir we took an attendance and a new employee " Zelda Brandon" skipped work today.

" Mark her down " I replied codly .
" So she's of the bait ? " Liam asked surprised.

" Mm"  I replied. I could visibly see the shock on Liam's face .
I could never let an employee off the bait but not in the case of Zelda. Well I just wanted to spend some time with her so I lied to her to make her skip work today.

  " what's the problem anyway" I asked turning to look at Liam .
He sighed and said " we have a rival"

" WHAT!"
" Yes and it's Mr. Daryl " .
"I knew that guy was up to something! No wonder he attended the companies party " I said grimacing.

" He claims that the Land belongs to him"  he's also planning to build a shopping mall" Liam replied.

" What" I retorted. " How's that possible . I bought the land from a land agent.

"  calm down sir! Did we ever do a cross research on the background on the background of the land agent and how many lands he had sold to people" Liam said scratching the back of his neck.

" I just realised that ,  I met  the land agent on a website and I just hooked up an appointment with him and bought the land" i said inwardly .

" I need to talk to my lawyer" I yelled .
" Yes sir! Liam said Pulling out his phone to call my lawyer.

  We finally got to Calloway and we dropped at the construction site and work was going well. I looked at the new building plan and the blue prints of the new Hotel and it was okay.
  I headed back to the hospital after arranging an appointment with Mr.Daryl. when I got there it was past visiting hours and Zelda was sleeping on the hospital bench outside the room.
   I looked at my wristwatch it was already 7pm . I gasped in shock she looked so pale and tired . I squatted and cupped her beautiful face close to mine and she jerked.

" Leo! She called and rubbed her sleepy eyes.
" I'm here " I replied and she wrapped her arms around my neck.
  " Mm warm" I numbled and I then sat down on the bench still In her warm embrace.


Urrgh!!!  I'm obsessed with a  fictional book  character 🥺🥺🥺. In a particular book on Light reader❤️❤️   the name's " Loving a heartless lawyer..mmm

So Well..
Lots of love filled with kisses 💋💋❤️


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