My beginning

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Hi I'm Zelda from New Jersey but i moved to California to get a decent job right after college.I studied cosmetology in the university. Ohh yeah let me tell you about my family ,i come from a very poor family we are wretchedly poor my mum got pregnant for my twin sister and i when she was turning 20, so ! My dad said he couldn't afford to cater for the family that he was too young to be a dad urrgh! Can you imagine.Well he took my twin sister Emelda with him and so we parted ways my mum and i dad and Emelda i didn't care any ways because it hated my dad he was so irresponsible, i hated Emelda she was too arrogant and extravagant she demanded for every thing her friends had as long as i was comfortable and relaxed i was happy but not in the case of Emelda but thank God she was gone for good.

Mom cried every day, why? Coz she couldn't afford for our feeding and my education and also she somehow missed dad and Emelda, somehow  I applied for a scholarship exam and i passed and i was awarded the scholarship throughout high school and i took another exam for my course " cosmetology" in the university and i got in after that i applied for a job in a skin care company and i got the job but i had to move to California because that was where the company was situated, such an adventure i told mom about this but a week to my flight she fell ill so i pleaded to with the company to let me come over with my mom and they agreed hurray!!! mom got better before i know it we were in the sky flying to California.

My life just took a big turn.

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