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        Chapter Two [cont'd]

I blinked several times only to recognise that I had lost consciousness.....OHH! My head hurts!.
I sniffed the sent coming from his body and it scented familiar.I looked sideways and I saw the same cold man in the elevator staring intently at me.I looked down only to discover that I was in the hospital half naked.I was worn a blue bogus trouser and nothing on top except my bra! ..AHHHH!! I yelled internely .He smiled at me and I had to admit he was really handsome with nice teeths.
  I flushed red and that let to the exposure of my cute dimples ..... "Are you okay?  He asked in a coarse tone.. "Yeah!Yeah! Just v that my head hurts but I'm fine . He stepped closer to me and stroked my hair to the back of my hair.
       [ LEO'S POV]
She had such supple milkish skin and pinkish reddish lips,soft black hair,her face was so fair and white, with an oval face that gave her a modelish look. She had a birth mark on her lips that made her lips so radiant and sexy.Her dimpless were located on her two cheeks and when she blushed it looked like an angel descending from heaven..It was so beautiful and it fitted her perfect teeth ..She had big amber round eyes which was hidden because of her long lashes and also because of the round glasses she wore ..She was indeed a paragon of indescribable beauty....
              ★.          ★.          ★.
       Uhhm... Sir she needs a shot  to cease off the phobia she had earlier ..the nurse said....Ohh sorry  he stepped backwards and frowned ..go ahead he said leaving the room . I sighed as I watched him leaving the room..please can I get going now I've an interview to attend to ? I asked the nurse who was administering an injection to the bag of drip.." OH no Miss!!. Your phobia escalated and you need to rest for the whole day"... "What! .. What about my interview, I need this job so that I can take care of my family." Calm down miss ..the nurse said  ...How can I calm down I need this job ..I said punching the wooden chair beside me .. please take it easy I'm not the management I'm just doing my job ... I bit my lips in anger , so I've lost this job ... I thought inwardly as tears rolled down my cheeks ..are you crying miss ? The nurses asked .. I snubbed because a felt a sense of Mockery .. please I need to wear something on top I said pointing to my chest .. okay  i'll talk to CEO about your case .. here's put it on she said while pulling a crop top out from the blue drawer.Thank you ! I replied while drying my tears .. i'll be going please don't turn too much so that the drip will go in faster [She left the room and the cold man came in smiling ,he sat on the swirvel chair that was at least 6 metres far from the bed I layed on.
         The interview has been postponed to tomorrow by 12 he spoke softly..o...o...h ok...ay I stammered out , how did you know ?  Trying to sit up ..I'm an employee ..he said grinning from ear to ear [Ɓut he didn't look like an employee , an employee will not be sitting with me here in the hospital] I thought inwardly
...OKAY !! Are you you off ? I asked ..Mm.. he replied dialling a number . Wow !!!!! So an employee can take off's I asked wide eyed ..Mm ..he replied put his phone on his ear ..I guess he was making a call . I laid back on my bed thinking of what happened on the elevator and a scene played back in my head before I knew it I found my self gasping for breath with closed eyes , I was struggling once more and then the drip stander fell.  Miss!!   Miss !! .... Nurse !! Nurse!! He called out [The nurse rushed in and injected me , I felt a suiting rush and I calmed down..What exactly is wrong with her ? He asked ..She has level 6 of claustrophobia and whenever she experiences it she tends to has asthma ..Wow that high he said ..Yes sir , so I think she needs company , could you stay  with her ? “No I cant” he replied sadly , I've a meeting to attend to.
.."ok then then. I've other patients to attend to " the nurse said gaspily   bye she said .. bye he replied while giving me a worried look he left the room.


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Lots of kisses filled with love ❤️❤️💋

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