Eleven ・゚✧

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The older boy tidied around while Liam was in the shower, making himself useful. The room was getting messier as the days went by and Zayn was genuinely considering hiring a cleaner to help him out - he truly didn't understand how a room could get so messy and he was convinced that Liam grew up in a barn or something similar to that with no manners because there was genuinely no way that he grew up in a house this dirty. He really should get around to discussing with that man, there was so much he needed to say.

He opened the windows to let in some fresh air which was greatly needed and hoovered the ground, picking up dirty plates and empty glasses that had piled up around Liam's bed before placing them into the sink, forming a new pile which was quickly growing by the minute. Zayn just groaned and ran a hand through his hair, it was getting extremely warm and he couldn't think of anything better to do than have a cool, cold shower to lower his increasingly high body temperate. He just needed to wait for Liam to leave the bathroom free for him.

He hovered around the room some more, tidying up small parts of it but not wanting to get too deep into Liam's personal stuff so he mainly stuck to his own side of the room which was as tidy as it possibly could be, he knew better than to leave it a mess. Liam was a dick to him the majority of the time, and he's doesn't trust the lad completely but he knows best not to look through somebody else's personal belongings. It didn't take too long before he was greeted by a messy hair Liam who had nothing but a towel around his waist, "Um."

"Just grabbing some clothes." Liam replied and looked around, acknowledging the fact the room didn't look as messy. "You tidied?"

"I did..." Zayn hummed softly and Liam smiled, re-entering the bathroom with fresh clothes to change into for his meeting. A thank you would have been nice, Zayn had thought but he knew he wouldn't ever really get that from Liam. He shrugged it off with a gentle sigh and grabbed his towel, Liam didn't care too much about his appearance, probably because he was so effortlessly good looking (although Zayn wouldn't still ever say that out loud), so he knew that the opposite boy wouldn't take too long in the bathroom and he'd soon be able to enter it and he was very quickly proven right when Liam walked out, head held high, all while smelling of expensive aftershave. Zayn was totally convinced he wasn't going to a meeting.

"Oh. You going for a shower?" Liam asked, watching the boy.

"Yeah, can I borrow your speaker?"

"Only if you don't break it." Liam teased and handed it to Zayn who rolled his eyes and held it to his chest as if to claim it as his own, "When will you be back from your meeting by the way. Just so I know?"

"I probably will be back in two hours. Or maybe just before two hours. I won't be that long. It's just a meeting like I said." He replied, adjusting his shirt so that it didn't look creased. This all seemed a little too professional.

"Alright." Two hours. That's not too long, Zayn can only hope Liam won't come back pissed drunk out of his head or something similar.

"Okay. I best be off." Liam said and grabbed his phone, shoving it into his back pocket before checking the time and leaving in a slight rush with no hesitancy to slam the door behind him like usual. Zayn guessed Liam was just close to missing his meeting and had to rush off or something before entering the bathroom, connecting his phone to the speaker. Within seconds it was connected and Sea Girls were blasting through, his favourite song 'Watch your step' playing. There was no reason for it to be his favourite song, the lyrics didn't resonate with him in a special way — he just loved the way it sounded. He loved the way he could dance and smile to it, it's like there was a drug in the song or something: it was addicting to listen to.

He started the shower, setting the temperature to be on cool and got undressed, his clothes falling to the floor below him. He stepped slowly away from them, careful to not slip over the floor in which Liam had left damp, and into the shower: allowing the water to run down him. He sighed gently and leaned against the wall, It may sound silly to some but he wished he had someone there to wash his hair for him, to wash his body and to treat him like a child. He would love to be babied while in the shower, to play with plastic bath toys and to blow bubbles with his lips while his back is being rubbed. It sounded virtually like a dream and he couldn't help but let his mind wander to thoughts of Liam doing that for him. After Liam discussed his 'innocence', brought up his teddy and watched a Disney film with him, the thoughts of Liam being his caregiver have shamefully been all over his mind though the fear of judgement coming from the opposite boy still lingered. He didn't even know how Liam would react if he was to sit down and explain to Liam his little space and he still was unsure about wanting Liam to acknowledge it all together: his brain was a big mess over the whole thing but for now he liked to strangely think of the idea.

Washing his hair, he shut his eyes tight to ensure that the shampoo or conditioner didn't fall down into his eyes and cause them to sting as that's possibly one the worst feelings to endure. He was sure of it. Once he had washed his hair, he washed down his body and stepped out with a towel around his waist, he re-entered the bedroom which was now looking fairly tidy despite the mess around Liam's area which he felt uncomfortable tidying up, and lay down on the bed looking up towards the ceiling. This was the exact moment he needed, craved for, and wanted a special someone to get out clothes and dress him, he was too lazy, and perhaps even small, to do it himself - and he really needs some big, safe hands to support him and make him feel warm inside.

He got up with a sigh and changed into a tracksuit set before laying back on the bed and holding his teddy, hoping that Liam wouldn't enter and ask some silly question over the small teddy he's seemingly obsessed with. The boy curled up and stared at the wall, bored and warm - though he was glad he left the window open from cleaning because it completely cooled the room down, he just wished it was a lot colder.

A/N: Finished college, got drunk for the first time, it's my birthday week, also One Direction's anniversary (surprisingly the day after my b-day!), and the heat in England is killing me. How are you doing?

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