Three ・゚✧

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The lecture had soon started and finished, passing by a lot quicker than Zayn had thought it would have done (He spent most of the lecture doodling.) and he was quick to return back to his dorm. Though upon arriving, he acknowledged the beer cans were still left out, bed sheets were still all over the floor and further more random substances were still scattered along the side - Liam was still not back to clean up his own crap, meaning that he has yet again been left to clean it. He simply just groaned to himself and threw his bag on the floor before tidying up the best he could, yet not putting too much effort in as he knew it would rather rapidly fall back into the state he found it in. It wasn't the first time he'd seen his dorm look like this and he knew for sure that it wouldn't be the last, unfortunately.

He never knew what to do with the leftover stuff he found from his roommates hookups: it always made him feel awkward and uncomfortable in his stomach (Such as random underwear, bras and skirts...) but leaving them around his room made him feel much worse as he knew that they would be left there for good due to the fact his roommate wouldn't move them himself, so he'd unpleasantly pick them up with a pair of gloves and leave them on his roommates bed until his roommate did something about it, which often led to unnecessary arguments that Zayn would much rather not deal with, but what else was he supposed to do with them? It was not his stuff.

It was extremely unfair on Zayn to be tidying up, and he knew it, but he felt obliged to tidy as he shared the room with the opposite boy, and also because he really did not want to be living in something that looked a lot like a pigsty especially if a visitor such as Louis popped around. He wished his roommate understood that more than one person lived in this dorm.

Though, as much as he shouldn't care for his roommate, he truly worried for his safety as if his roommate was to live alone, Zayn's positive that he would have been eaten alive by rats and rodents of all sorts, 'creepy crawlies', bed bugs, maggots and who knows what other creatures as the boy never cleaned up after himself - it was always left down to Zayn to do. Zayn swore it must be illicit for Liam to leave the dorm looking how it did... Perhaps he should buy himself a maid outfit since he always seems to be cleaning up? Liam should start paying him for his work.

Once he deemed the room to be tidy enough, he grabbed his notebook and some different shaded graphite pencils and began to sketch a drawing of a pug as a part of his coursework. Dogs were his all time favourite thing and he was asked to draw them in different mediums to create a montage which showed off his skills, the task was fairly easy but then again, the university year had only just started a couple of months ago so he wasn't expected to do too much yet. So far he had only created one piece of artwork for his coursework, the piece involving oil pastels and a labradoodle chasing after a ball. He was rather behind in it all but it was hard for him to concentrate and get peace with his roommate around and the library doesn't allow him to use certain mediums so he is only able to work when he has time and the opportunity available to do: Zayn would be lying if he said he hasn't considered breaking into the empty lecture halls to focus on the coursework.

Zayn was really starting to think that his roommate is the bane of all his problems which was pretty much true and his roommate proved his point almost immediately when he walked in with a greasy bag of McDonald's in his hand and a milkshake in the other. "Oh, for fucks sake. Of course you're here." His roommate groaned upon seeing Zayn.

Zayn looked up at him, holding his artwork to his chest, "What do you want, Liam? It's my room too and you know that, so I'd highly appreciate it if you'd stop acting like it's only yours..." He seethed.

"I was just hoping for some privacy." Liam rolled his eyes, dropping his McDonald's on the side in which Zayn had just cleaned. Zayn sighed softly and attempted to go back to sketching but was rudely interrupted once more within a matter of seconds by the opposite boy, "You're always drawing, doesn't seem much interesting."

"Because I'm doing an art course."

"Right. Didn't know that." Liam said, barely even paying attention. More interested in the McDonald's in which he had entered with, shoving his face with fries and what Zayn thought was a chicken nugget but on further review, may have been cheesy bites. Taking occasional sips from the milkshake.

"I've been your roommate for like three months now."

Liam shrugged, "Yeah, and I didn't bother to ask."

"Funny how I know what course you're taking though." Zayn muttered and Liam raised an eyebrow, laughing in a way that almost felt mocking. "You're in an arsey mood, Zayn. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or summit?"

And that was it for Zayn, "Piss off. I woke up on the right side of the bed actually because I woke up in a room that you weren't in. I'm frustrated because I'm trying to concentrate but you're just yapping on like a whiney dog about a bunch of shit! That's all you ever do - and you're so narcissistic! I- I-" he yelled, dropping his 4B pencil to the cold floor in anger and infuriation.

"Right... Well... Thanks for calling me a whiney dog. I'm off for a wank." He got up and scratched the back of his neck, face blank but full of a strange emotion in which Zayn wasn't so sure of, yet felt frightened of. The taller boy faced away and took his shirt off, dropping it to the ground for Zayn to clean up later before then disappearing into the small shared bathroom. Within a matter of seconds, Zayn heard a mix of rap and R&B blaring from the speaker that he previously had left in there and for once, Zayn was thankful that Liam was playing such horrible, loud music because it meant that he didn't have to hear the way Liam touched himself in ways the boy didn't want to ever imagine or think of.

The boy whimpered and put away his graphite pencils and sketchbook, it was very out of character for him to yell back at Liam and he was rather in shock with himself for gaining the confidence to do so, even if his yelling wasn't too much of a yelling at all. He was just so sick and tired of hearing what Liam had to say and maybe it was about time that he shouted back at the opposite boy like that. The reaction Liam gave back in response showed confusion and in a sense that scared Zayn because he didn't know what Liam was thinking and as a result of it, he's frightened that the slightly younger boy will come out of the bathroom and throw curse words at him for yelling but he also felt the boy is over the whole situation already.

Zayn was probably just overthinking.

the only time i feel i might get better (is when we are together) - ziamWhere stories live. Discover now