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Mia woke up to an empty bed. Something that had begun to happen more often these days. She smiled as she heard the commotion that was coming through the hallway. She basked in the sunlight coming through her window for a little longer before taking care of herself.

She walked out of the room more refreshed than she was a couple of minutes ago. Opting to lean against the archway and watch the sight before her, instead of making her presence known.

In the kitchen her wife stood over the stove making what looked like pancakes, before taking a small break to reach over to a plate and hand feed a small piece of apple to the little one sat on the counter.

The two of them continued this motion until the breakfast was fully made, and the two of them had finished the plate of fruit that sat before them. Nikki grabbed the little one and placed kisses all across their face. Causing the little one to laugh at her moms actions.

While Nikki's back was turned, Mia thought now would be the perfect time to make her presence known. Blue and green eyes met hers, Mia held up a finger to her mouth and the little one gave a slight nod.

Mia wrapped her arms around her wife's waist from behind, causing the taller one to jump a little before she looked over her shoulder. "Good morning love."

Mia pressed her face against her wife's back and inhaled the scent she's always loved. "Good morning baby."

Nikki looked back the little one in her arms and pinched her cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me she was sneaking up on me, pumpkin?"

Nikki didn't get a verbal response, only a couple shy giggles as the little one hid her face in the crook of her neck. She turned around and faced her wife who was still clutching onto the back of her. She gave her a quick kiss before nodding her head to the food.

"Go ahead and get what you want. I made you coffee already, I'm going to place this one down in her chair." Nikki said before walking off and placing the little one in her high chair.

Mia got everyone's plates ready and took a sip of her coffee before she was joined with hands around her waist, and a head on her shoulder. "Are you ready for today?" Nikki asked before she placed a quick kiss on her wife's exposed shoulder.

Mia held the coffee cup and nodded before leaning against the warm body behind her. She relished in the feel of her wife against her before joining their little one at the table. Dinner was filled with laughter and smiles from the small family.

As Nikki was playing with her pumpkin, and Mia was doing the dishes from breakfast, the ringing of the doorbell sounded. Nikki dismissed herself before going to the front to welcome in her guests. A kiss was placed on her cheek and arms wrapped around her.

"Good morning!" Anne enthusiastically said. She let go of the taller girl before running off through out the house. "There's my little niece." Was heard past the corridor. Nikki laughed to herself before letting in her best friends other half.

"I swear she's never going to get over that is she?" Nikki asked the other girl as she walked in with her own child. "Nope. I swear she loves her more than she loves her own kid sometimes." Jen replied with an eye roll.

The two mothers walked into the living room and were greeted by the sight of their wives mingling with the other child. Anne was pinching her cheeks, causing Nikki's little pumpkin to laugh uncontrollably as she tried to pry her aunts arms away from her.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what are you guys doing here so early?" Nikki asked her best friend as she saved her daughter from her crazy aunt. Anne huffed before standing up and joining her wife. "We thought it would be good to come a little bit early. That's all."

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