Chapter Nineteen

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Mia's POV

Today was the day that we have been looking forward to since the beginning of the year. Graduation. The last day of high school. The last time that we would ever have to see this place.

I looked down at the gown that I had on. I couldn't believe this day was finally here. I watched as a pair of tanned arms wrapped around my waist and I felt that familiar body press into mine.

"Hey baby." Came her soft raspy voice.

I tilted my head to look at her before giving her a kiss. "Hey you."

"You ready to be free?" She asked me.

"Oh absolutely. I especially am ready for what you have planned tonight." I said as I smirked up at her.

She rolled her eyes playfully before kissing me once more. "We have to get through the party first, then you're mine for the rest of the summer."

I leaned into her and enjoyed the feel of her arms around me. Nikki and I have had an amazing couple of months. There were those moments that we had our issues. The couple of fights that we would get into, me worrying when Katie would come and try to get in between us like she usually did, and the moments when the two of us were too busy to see each other.

Nikki did her best to try to assure me that I was hers and that wouldn't change. She did her best to show me everyday that she loved me endlessly. She would show up randomly in one of my classes just to give me a small gift, she would make sure to take care of me on the days I wasn't feeling the best, and she would do her best at making me feel like the most special girl in the world.

"Alright love birds, we need to get to our seats and get the show started." Anne said from behind us, Jen following her like usually.

Nikki gave me one more kiss before letting me go. "Wish me luck baby."

"Good luck! You'll do great." I said with a smile as we parted and went to our designated spots.

Nikki ended up being our classes valedictorian so she had to give a speech to the entirety of our class. She was nervous that it wouldn't be good enough, or that people wouldn't enjoy the fun quirks she put in it, but that was all nonsense. Everyone already loved her enough as it was, she's going to rock it, regardless if its bad or good.

Once everyone was seated our principle came onto the stage and welcomed everyone. "Thank you all for coming today. I want to congratulate all of the students that have made it so far. You're finally completing one of the first chapters of your life. You have all worked so hard to get here. Great job everybody, now lets get to the part that all of you have been waiting for."

The ceremony started and everyone began to walk up to the stage when their name was called. I was the first one out of our little group, then Anne, then Alex and Lynn, then Nikki, and finally Jen.

After the hour that it took to get through all 300 students we had, the time finally came for Nikki to go up and give her speech.

As soon as she got called up the rest of the student body erupted into cheers. I could see the little bit of blush she had on her cheeks as she walked passed my row. When she got onto the stage she took place at the podium and took out her flashcards.

"Thank you Principle D for the warm welcome, and y'all in the audience for the cheers." As soon as she finished another loud cheer went through the crowd causing her to laugh.

"Alright alright. Now to the speech. Most of you guys know me as the golden girl. The one who is loved by everyone, the one who does the most for the school, the smart one, the one that has the looks, the one that gets along with everyone else. The truth is, I'm just a normal girl. I'm the same as all of you out there." She gestured to the crowd. "I worry about where I'm going to go after school, I worry about the life that I will have in the future, I worry about when I'm going to see my friends next, I worry about my love life, I worry about the same things you do.

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