Chapter Eighteen

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Nikki's POV

"I'm going to fucking cum." She moaned as I fingered her.

I sped up my pace, moving in and out quicker than before. "Let it out baby."

I bent down and took a nipple into my mouth causing another deep moan to escape her perfect lips. I felt her walls tighten around me as she reached her climax.

Once she calmed down I took my fingers out, Mia still breathless under me. I kissed along her neck and told her how good she did.

Mia and I have spent the last couple days of spring break at my families lake house. It's honestly been one of the most relaxing times that we've had together. No siblings to bother us, no friends to get in the way, not a worry in the world. Just us two having one of the most amazing weeks we could possibly have.

Tomorrow we'd be going back to school. Mia had a couple of recitals that she had to prepare for, since the sports I play have already come to an end I had nothing to worry about besides school and the band. Anne and I already planned a couple shows for when school starts. Charlie, the owner of the pizza pub, informed us that the teens there were a little upset at the fact that we wouldn't be performing at all during the break. As a compromise, we promised a few extra shows when the break was over.

Because of this, it means that Mia and I won't be able to see each other as much as we would like. Of course she would come to the shows and I would go watch her dance, but it's not the same.

"How do you manage to make me feel that great every time?" Mia asked as she laid on my chest. Her hands flat against me while her chin was rested on top of them.

I shrugged. "I guess I'm just talented."

She placed a quick kiss on my lips before getting up. "Uh huh and cocky apparently. I'm going to go shower real quick."

"Don't take too long." I told her as I watched her backside walk away. What it's not creepy, she's my girlfriend after all.

Instead of just sitting there and waiting for her I decided to get up and check our bags. We had to make sure to have everything packed and ready so we could leave by 12. We wanted to back into town at a decent hour so we could get ready for tomorrow. Honestly I don't know why we had to leave THIS early, but I have learned not to question the lady.

Once I confirmed that we did indeed have everything ready, I got some clothes out for Mia and placed them on the bed before taking the bags downstairs. I went to the kitchen and decided to whip up some of Mia's favorite breakfast items.

If I'm being honest this whole trip was supposed to be my lame attempt at finally telling her just how I felt for her, but every time I tried to say those three little words I would chicken out of it. I started to think, "Would she think it's too soon in the relationship to say anything?" "What if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way?" "What if she doesn't believe me?".

We've only been dating for a little over four months, but I have never been this sure about something so much in my life. I know that I love this girl. I know there's a special connection between us that's different than anything else. Something about her.

I know a lot of people would think that's dumb, or say that we wouldn't know because of us being too young or it indeed being too soon, but I don't care. Even if it is sooner than when I said it to Katie, this is different. With Katie it took a while to finally hit, I don't think we said anything until we were almost a year in. Yet with Mia, everything just fell into place.

"Mm something smells good." I heard from behind me.

I flipped the last pancake before looking at her. Mia was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She looked so beautiful. Her blonde hair was thrown into a wet messy bun, she didn't have any makeup on, the shorts I picked out showed her perfectly toned legs, and she had her sweet smile on.

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