Chapter Twenty Seven

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Nikki's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. I had four hours before I had to leave, and honestly, I'm not ready. When the trip started I wanted to leave as soon as the plane landed, now with the events that happened, I felt dread. 

I ran my hand through the golden hair that belongs to the girl that caused both of this issues. She's the reason I didn't want to come, and now she's the reason I don't want to leave. I felt her start to stir. A pair of green eyes slowly made their way to my own. When our eyes locked she smiled. 

"Good morning." She said with a raspy tired voice. 

"Good morning love." I replied as I cupped her cheek. 

She leaned over and kissed me ever so slowly. I got the familiar jolts of electricity and butterflies that come from her lips on mine. I'm so glad that after all this time apart, I still manage to get these feelings from her. I just hope these same feelings are here in the far future too. 

Our kiss was interrupted from the sound of my door slamming open. Mia quickly pulled away and made sure she was covered. Our activities last night left us with little to no clothing on this morning. 

"Anne I swear to god, you really need to stop doing that." I said to her as she walked into the frame. 

"Oh wow okay, this is a new sight. Anyways, I needed to come get you. Are you ready to leave?" 

I looked at Mia, who gave me a sad smile, and then back to my annoying best friend. "I'm as ready as I can be. All my things are packed and good to go, you don't have to worry. I just need to get dressed and then we can do what we need to do." 

She gave a quick nod. "Okay good. I'm sorry for barging in. I'll be downstairs waiting." 

I waited till the door was closed to turn back to Mia. She was already looking at me, the same sad expression still on her face. I reached up and cupped her cheek once again. "What's wrong?" 

"Are you really leaving this soon?" She asked in a quiet voice. 

I sighed. "Sorta. The flight doesn't leave for another four hours, but since the airport is an hour away, and Anne likes to be there thirty minutes to an hour before the flight takes off, we'll have to be leaving in two. She probably just wants to make sure we have everything so we can say our goodbyes." 

"Can I come with you?" She asked. When I raised an eyebrow she continued. "To the airport I mean. I want to spend as much time with you as I can." 

I smirked at her. "Not tired of me yet?" 

"I spent six years away from you Nikki, a couple days isn't nearly enough time with you." 

She was right, it's really not. If I could stay I would. Instead of talking about it anymore, the two of us decided it was time to get up and get ready. 

"Join me in the shower?" I asked her as I began walking to my bathroom. 

"Of course." 

Mia and I got into the shower. It started off innocently at first. The two of us washed each others hair, and then went on to wash each others body. Feeling her against me and touching me as softly as she was, drove me crazy. I pinned her to wall, one hand holding both of hers, while the other held onto her neck. 

I began to kiss her. I wanted to show her how much I was going to miss her. I wanted to show her how much I cared for her through this kiss. So I did. I kissed her with as much hunger and passion that I could. 

Eventually the kisses went to her neck, the to her exposed chest, and finally all the way down to her most sacred spot. Her moans filled the bathroom, her little whimpers powered me through, I made sure to mark her in every spot I could.

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