𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣

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"L.A.'s diamond district. Over a hundred licensed jewelers moving tens of millions of dollars of rock every day." Hondo told them as they began to walk into the debriefing room

"This crew has only struck within these borders." Deacon added "They've been careful to keep their exposure time limited to under four minutes."

"Typical response time for an LAPD chopper to get on top of someone is five." Tan looked over at him as they surrounded the screens

"Right" deacon nodded "so they choose parking garages close to their targets. They ditch the getaway vehicles, switch them out for ones in clean plates. And then, it's two minutes in any direction to three major freeways that run through downtown."

"Every truck they steal, they reinforce the front and back by welding on steel plates." Y/n pulled it up on the screen

"so these guys are awesome at getting away, but how are they getting in?" Chris furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at the photo

"Most diamond dealers use three alarms, alerting the police if any one of them fail." Deacon changed the screen "But nowadays 99% of alarms run on cell networks."

"And during all three robberies, employees and guards reported a complete loss of cell service right before they got hit by this crew, which means they're using military-grade cell jammers." Hondo explained as he leaned his body up against the table

"If no alarms reach LAPD dispatch, how are we gonna know which diamond brokers are being jacked?" Chris asked yet another question

"I had the tech boys send us some cellular monitors." Hondo went over and grabbed one "These things read how weak or strong a cell signal is in a building."

"We install one of those in every broker in the district." Deacom pointed to it in Hindus hand "That way there if the cell service goes dark in any one of them-"

"That's the one the crew's hitting." Y/n nodded

"Like a cellular trip wire." Luca rose a brow

"Exactly." Hondo nodded at them "All right, let's roll out and set some traps."


"Hondo, I ran every pickup in the area, no red flags. You guys uh, spot anything where you're perched?"

"Negative. Just keep your eyes open." Hondo told them as he watched "If this crew makes a move, we need to be on top of them quick."

"Roger that."

Seconds later Chris's voice came through the radio "Hondo the crew is moving to Seventh and Broadway."

When they pulled up the crew began shooting at them immediately, quickly they began to shoot back at them as well

"This is 20-David to Command. We are trading fire with four heavily armed suspects." Hondo yelled over the gunshots, the crew loaded up and drive off leaving one to shoot at them

"30-David to Command." Deacon spoke into his radio now "suspect vehicle feeling the scene. A gray crew cab pickup heading east on Broadway."

"Suspect sporting heavy armor!" Y/n yelled out to her team

"Cover me." Hondo said as he ran forward shooting at the man closer

"If we can't pierce that armor, he's not going down." Deacon yelled out seeing as the man didn't seam effective. Hondo shot at the ground it bouncing off the sewer cap and hitting the guy nocking him off his feet. Hurriedly they ran towards the man on the ground

"Did Hondo just skip a bullet?" Chris asked looking down at the gripped

"To get a different angle on the armor?" Tan continued shocked "Guys talk about doing it, but I've never seen it"

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