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"Someone called 911, saying he's threatened to shoot his two kids, his girlfriend and himself with an AK-12." Hondo told them all

"These guys always want to kill themselves last..." Luca sighed "They should try going first."

Deacon looked at y/n seeing as she averted her gaze from him completely

"We got any word on Street?" Hondo asked

"He knows he's on standby." Chris nodded "I tried his cell a few times, but he's not picking up. But I'm gonna keep on trying."

They met up with Jessica as soon as they got out "911 caller says Baty has hostages in danger. You need to go in now."

"All right, we're a man down, but we're ready to go in." Hondo nodded at her as they walked

"Heat sensors can't identify which room Baty or the hostages are in." Jessica continued "The front door is reinforced."

"All right, well, we brought our own reinforcements. Okay, we got the Rook, let's do this." Luca nodded as he got into the big machine street pulled up and immediately hondo walked to him and breifed him


"All right. Chris, Street, go." Hondo told the two as the rest of them were behind the machine Luca was driving. Quickly the two jumped the fence and got onto the roof as Luca drove forward knocking the fence down and going towards the house

"All set.Three, two, one." Hondo told Luca who drove and knocked into the wall knocking it down, they then headed in

"LAPD! On the ground!" Hondo yelled

"Christian Baty, get down on the ground!"

He lifted his hands over his head as he lowered

"All the way!" Luca pushed him down

"Give me a two!"

"Left side clear."

"Right side's clear."

"All right, he's unarmed." Luca said after he felt for weapons

"We got Christian Baty." Hondo spoke

"Roger that. No hostages, our end." Street told them

"House is clear. No girlfriend, no kids." Deacon stated

"Something's off." Hondo shook his head and looked down at the man "You want to tell us what the hell is going on?"

"You're the ones busted in here, you tell me." He stated muffled from his face in the ground

"Why'd somebody call 911, say you were about to kill your girlfriend and kids?" Luca asked

"I don't have a girlfriend, or kids!" He defended

"Damn, sounds like we just got swatted, boss." Y/n looked up at him

"Hondo, we may have something." Deacon lifted a tarp

"Blast plates, caps, copper fuses." Tan stated everything that was in the table "Somebody's been messing with explosives here. Making something pretty big."

"It's a list of cities." Deacon pointed to a paper "Crenshaw, Baldwin Hills, Ladera Heights, Inglewood. Possible targets?"

"Those are all black neighborhoods" Hondo sighed and went back to the man grabbing his shirt "Hey. Who are you? What the hell do you have planned?"


"Hondo, this is Agent Elliott Gines, point for the FBI." Hicks introduced him and they shook hands

"SWAT's here to help, but I'd be lying if I didn't say this guy's list of possible targets feels personal." Hondo shook his head

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