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"Photos were pulled from failed cases against Richter. This dude is slippery as hell." Hondo told the group, apparently street went under cover without them knowing "Everybody knows he's dirty, but no one's been able to prove it"

"He's made a career out of escaping police stings"Chris informed the group

"Sergeant Harrelson?" A man asked as he stepped into the briefing room

"Warren, what's up, man?" Hondo smiled at him "Warren here was Richter's parole officer years back. Only man we've been able to track down who had in-person contact."

"I work private security now. Never forgot Juergen Richter, though." He nodded "Strange dude."

"Warren, what can you tell us about Richter?"

"Smart as hell." He shook his head "But he's into this Brazilian spiritism thing."

"Oh, like a religion?" Deacon spoke up

"More like a cult." Warren explained making dracons head back up a bit "He talked about things like his spirit crew and human sacrifice rituals."

"Yeah, well, that's not spooky at all." Luca played with his hands as he spoke

"You want to get into business with Richter, you have to let him think he knows you." Warren explained

"Okay. How do I do that?" Street questioned

"Eye contact. He likes a lot of it, like he can read you somehow. And he'll try and see if he can make you slip up, so expect a lot of awkward pauses."

"Kind of like a typical day for you."  Y/n nodded his way

"Except, don't drink. Richter doesn't respect people who poison their bodies." Warren said as streets phone rang he picked it up quickly

"Yeah." He nodded "I'll be there."

"Jake and Ike's in an hour."

"The cop joint?" Deacon questioned earning a nod from street

"Probably gets off knowing they can ID him but don't have the dirt to arrest him." Warren nodded

"And a diner full of police is the last place an undercover would want to meet." Deacon nodded "It's your first test."


"This is a scenario Richter's played out a thousand times." Street explained now that he was back he knew the next step "The vehicles will arrive preloaded in a shipping container, so we shouldn't have rabbits in race cars."

"We need more time to plan this." Deacon shook his head

"Two hours is all I could get us." Street sighed But Richter's in. This is our shot at him."

"All right, we cover the ins and outs. Chris, you're Sierra One here. Tan, Sierra Two here. You set up sniper positions, wait for my command. Deac, Luca. You're in the Charger here. Y/n and I'll be on the ground right here. We set up a code five for the area." Hondo explained "Mumford, you and your team maintain a perimeter"

"Could use some unis to tighten the net." Mumford offered

"No." Hondo's shook his head "We can't take the chance Richter spots them. We hold until Street makes the exchange. We go on my signal. Any questions?"

"How big a crew are we expecting?" Deacon asked

"Minimal. Richter keeps things tight. Three, maybe four guys." Street nodded

"That said, it's risk management time. They are not gonna be happy when they see us." Hondo's told them "Job one is getting Street out safe. Chris and Tan. You see any weapons swing his way, you take down whoever's got 'em."

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