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"This is Agent Jones. We have a breach. Ten... 12 suspects."

"Roger that. Perimeter's covered." Hondo said as they stepped out of their cars "You ready?"



They came running at the group

"LAPD! Stop right there!" Hondo told them, black Betty pulled up behind the suspects "On the ground! Get on the ground now!"

Two of the men began to run off

"We got two rabbits." Y/n called out

"LAPD, don't move!" Hondo yelled as they jumped onto the dumpster about to jump over the fence "Street, let's go. Deacon, cover him. I got beanie boy."

They jumped the fence and began to run after the two


"Hey, Hondo. Our boy's on the news." Someone called out making them all circle around the TV to see street holding the guy he caught

"In a raid this morning, an LAPD officer is seen here handing a suspect's ID over to a federal official."

"My brother Carlos is a good man. He is not a criminal, and he is not in a gang, and now because of this officer he's being deported? I thought the police were different here. By arresting my brother, they've broken their promises to this community."

"Officer Street. Did you unilaterally decide to change city policy in regards to how the LAPD interacts with locals?" Hicks asked


"Really? Because up there, it looks like you're handing over a man's ID to a federal officer. Los Angeles is a sanctuary city. Don't have to agree with it, but that's the playbook the mayor drew up. Now, we all know why she did that, right?"

"The UDAs in the city will be afraid to come forward and report their crimes." Chris nodded

"It's close to a half a million people." Luca added

"And we need their trust." Tan concluded

"Now, I got five city council members on my phone sheet. They're pissed. Think we violated community loyalty." Hicks was angry

"ICE asked me for his ID. What was I supposed to do, tell him no?" Street asked

"Sir, the immigration beef between the Feds and the locals is way over our heads." Hondo defended

"Yeah, well, this city has a delicate truce. And now because of him, they think we picked sides. Get your team in order, sergeant. And while you're at it, find Toro Ochoa so the press has something else to chew on." With that Hicks left the room

Hondo talked to street without them being able to hear and with a nod street turned. Hondo's phone then rang hondo's face turned to look worried he hing up and then turned to the team "All right, listen, you guys dig into Ochoa. I'll be back as soon as I can."

With that Hondo left the room


"So, here's what ICE sent over on Toro Ochoa." Deacon handed them a file

"I don't get it." Street looked at it confused "We provide support for an op, provide backup when they can't corral anyone, I get in trouble?"

"Well, you're not in trouble." Y/n shook her head at him

"A crime's a crime. Carlos Acosta came to this country illegally just like Toro Ochoa did."

"Oh, that's not in the same league." Chris shrugged

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