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"60 second out!" Tan yelled to them, Hondo and Chris we're currently getting dressed to scuba

"Captain's staging a second SWAT team at the harbor. They'll be ready to fast-rope in off a chopper if anything goes sideways." Deacon told the two

"Can't let it come to that."

"There's a service ladder located halfway up midship on the port side." He showed them the tablet "That's gonna be your best bet for ingress. And once you're on board, there's a lot of ground you're gonna have to cover. Even though it's an old ship, it's-it's like a floating hotel. There's restaurants, bars, theaters, casinos."

"Damn, Deac. You speaking from experience?" Hondo chuckled "I never pegged you for the cruise type."

Deacom looked to y/n who was helping Chris "Well, actually, Annie's mom loves them. She got us one for our second anniversary"

"I've never been in a relationship where I want to be trapped together like that." Chris shook her head "No escape, no way."

"Come on, now, Chris. That could change." Y/n faced forward as she finished helping chris

"Not in this lifetime."

"So, what? Eternal bachelorette, that it?" Deacon rose a brow

"I-I did meet someone last week, had a couple dates." Chris his her smile that then dropped "It's a matter of time before it tanks, though. That's the job, right?"

"This is it." Tan told them as black Betty stopped "We're here."

"You made good time, Tan." Deacon nodded "We might have to have you drive more often."

"Yeah, sure, you tell Luca that." Tan looked back

"He'd love that" Y/n chuckled at him

"Ha. All right, let's move." Hondo ordered


"The coordinates are already programmed in the Nemo." Deacon said as Tan lowered it into the water "You're pushing the limits of what it can do, but it should get you there."

"Let's just hope our guy on the boat does his part." Hondo said as y/n handed him and chris goggles "Otherwise, it's gonna be a long swim back."

"Nemo's loose." Tan announced "You're good to go. "

"Another day at SWAT, right?" Chris asked before fist by long Tan then Hondo

"All right, let's do this." Hondo put the goggles on and jumped in the water with chris

"30-David to Command." Deacon picked up his radio "Divers away."


"Okay. Thanks." Deacom said before hanging up the phone "That was the detective at the house. He said the Pope brothers rent this place using their mother's name."

"I'm gonna need to see a warrant before I can open it up for you." A man told them

Deacon handed it over "Read it and weep."

The man picked up his keys which had at least 30 on it, Tan lifted the bolt cutters "That's all right, I got the master key right here."

They went into the building guns out scanning the whole room

"Left side clear."

"Right side clear."

"I'm sure they have receipts for all this stuff." Tan stated looking around

"40s and nine-millimeters. Just like the chief security officer said." Deacon looked through through cabinets "Well, at least there's no sign of heavy artillery. These guys seem like small-time hoods. So how'd they graduate to cocaine smugglers?"

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