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"Any idea what this is all about?" Deacon looked at Hondo, seeing as they we're called in on their day off it must be important, he didn't seam like his normal chipper self recently but no body wanted to pry. Y/n did he told her but she couldn't tell anyone he made her promise.

"No idea." Hondo shook his head "But seems pretty major."

"Luca told us what's up with that psycho resurfacing." Chris looked at him

"Yeah. We want to help." Y/n nodded

"All of us." Deacon agreed

"I knew you would." Hondo looked over "I'll bring you all up to speed when whatever this is wraps up."

"Listen up!" Hicks walked into the room "Thank you for coming in, especially those who were scheduled to have the day off. Unfortunately, we're here to discuss the actions of someone in this unit. This morning, Captain Cortez found a letter on her desk posing an anonymous threat to her safety. Captain Cortez would like to address you directly. Captain."

"Many of you don't agree with my recent police accountability proposals, and that's fine. But first, I had my tires slashed, and now I've been personally threatened." She looked at everyone "I became a police officer because I believe in what that stands for. I know most of you feel the same. Most of you would have no tolerance for something like this. So here's my offer: if the person who wrote the letter comes forward in the next hour, we talk this out, one on one. If not, it becomes a criminal investigation."

Everyone began murmuring and with that people began to disperse


"You guys being here means a lot." Hondo told them all "We don't get enough days off as it is."

"I was knee-deep in diapers anyway." Deacon shrugged

"Yeah, and if I have to hear about my Uncle Wiso's plastic hip one more time, I might just have to break his other one." Chris chuckled

"Well, meanwhile, me and Luca spent the morning chasing down his hunch. And it turns out, it's a pretty good one." Hondo showed them it on the screen "A killer that we thought was dead is still out there. Now, we got to do whatever we can to find this guy before he takes another life."

"Did you get anything off the SUV he ditched?" Y/n asked

"Forensics is swabbing for DNA and fingerprints, but that's gonna take some time. Meanwhile, we think the killer might be using a 2001 CR-V registered to a Lance Roy." Hondo told them Now, this Lance, he's good kid. He was a volunteer firefighter back in Iowa before he decided to come to Hollywood and try to be somebody in the biz. Now, his car has no GPS, and the plate tracker hasn't dinged since this morning."

"Anything else to go on?" Chris rose a brow

"I tracked the suspect's abandoned SUV for the past two weeks, back before he knew we were onto him. He was rolling around during the day, but he was also tagged days and nights going in and out of Agoura Hills."

"Big area to canvass." Tan nodded

"We know anything about his habits? Could be a regular at a coffee shop or at a bar?" Deacon said as Luca walked in

"Hey. How'd it go with Keri?" Hondo asked

"That girl's a rock. Can't imagine what she's been through." Luca looked down at the screen "What's this?"

"We think our suspect might live somewhere in this area." Hondo mentioned towards it

"Nice. I got something that might help. Keri said that the guy only fed the victims junk food from, like, gas stations or convenience stores."

"Well, it's only convenient if it's close to home."


"No more scratchers." Deacon stated making y/n frown "Hey, 15 stores. I'm out of cash."

"You got to play till you win, right?" Y/n smiled as they walked into the convenience store

"Yeah. Or until you go bankrupt." Deacon said as they looked around
They walked behind a man who was staring at a hot dog rotator

"Come on, come on, come on. Come on. Damn it."

"Everything all right?" Deacon asked him

"Yeah. Can't get an even pace. Uh, slow on the bottom, fast on the top."

"And that's a problem why?" Y/n asked

"They don't roll even, they don't cook even. It's not calculus." He furrowed his brows "Like you don't take pride in your work? What do you need?"

"Arty, is it?" Y/n asked


"We're hoping you've seen a customer in here who resembles the man in this sketch" she showed him the photo

"No way. I knew that dude looked shady."

"Why do you say that?" Deacon asked getting intrigued now that the man remembers the suspect

"Because no one who eats like that is in their right mind. Guy buys, like, the nastiest food we got. Almost takes pleasure in it."

"Do you know his name?" Deacon asked another question

"Nah. Doesn't talk much, always pays in cash. Why? What'd he do?"

"We're gonna need to see your security footage." Y/n nodded at him


"May I help you?" The man asked deacon and y/n who stood at his gate, they had found where the suspect was living and the fact that he had camera services up everywhere

"Yeah, we're with Water and Power. We've, uh, we've had some outages in your area." Deacon spoke

"My power is fine."

"Yeah. Just the same, we'd like to walk your property and inspect the lines. Should only take a minute." Y/n tried to persuade him

"Uh, I'm sorry. Now's not a good time. Can you come back tomorrow?"

"Uh, suit yourself, but, uh, w-we're gonna have to cut power while we run some tests on the system. Should only take a couple minutes." Deacon nodded

"Fine. But could you make it quick, please? Thank you."

"Okay, thank you. And I'm gonna leave a comment card here by the gate, so you can let my boss know that you're satisfied with our service." Y/n placed it down

"We got two minutes to get in before the power restores and we trigger the alarm."

The two began to walk away

"Cut the power in three, two, go." Deacon told him and the power shut off the two got into gear, deacon ran inside and y/n stayed cover outside and out of sight of the cams, luckily she didn't have to do anything when hondo's voice came through

"Target is secure."

1073 words

This one is short whoops.

Sometimes I'll be writing and I'll be super tired meaning that I won't let myself sleep until I finish the chapter, it's a bad habit and I get throught the end of the chapter quickly and badly

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