Chapter 70: Lucky

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This is the first chapter that was not published in the sequel before being moved into this book. If you were up to date on the sequel, you should start here!


Bryce POV

"Bryce? Wake up please," I hear my girlfriend's soft voice as a kiss gets pressed to my cheek. My eyes open and as my vision clears I feel my arms wrapped tightly around her body and her finger annoyingly tapping against my bicep as she stares at my face, "Sir, I would like to go pee now." She tries to keep a straight face but quickly breaks down into giggles as she stops poking me and her face falls into my chest. I just roll my eyes, squeezing her once to receive a squeak before letting go and rolling over to bury my face in the pillows,

"Yeah, yeah, go to the bathroom and let me sleep, Sweets," I grumble, pulling the covers up to my shoulder because being shirtless in this room is only not freezing when there is a girlfriend curled up to you. I used to never sleep without a shirt on here at home, when I was younger I used to half the time sleep with a sweatshirt because of how fucking cold Boston is. I hear her giggle some more as she hops out of bed, squealing again, probably at how cold the floor is, before running out of the room.


Rory POV

"Oh Rory! Hi, good morning! How did you two sleep?" Bryce's mom smiles brightly, a slight twinkle in her eye as she turns towards the sounds of my footsteps. I smile, walking towards the counter and hopping up onto one of the stools,

"We were okay, it's freezing here! I'm gonna need to go get a jacket or something. But I love it here I do!" I speed up my words, not wanting to offend her home or hometown, but she just waves a hand at me before looking back at whatever is in the pan in front of her,

"You're fine, and we can go later today and find you something. I'm sure Bryce would love to buy you a jacket," She laughs and I do too, watching her flip what looks like a pancake with her spatula, "I have to go to work today, but tomorrow and then Thursday are completely free for us all to hang out. I know my sister and her two little ones are planning on coming on Thursday for Thanksgiving dinner, but other than that we can do whatever you want," She turns, smiling as she grabs a plate from next to the stove top that is now piled high with pancakes. Passing the sink on her way to the counter she slips her fryign pan and spatula into the sink, and I clap my hands together as the plate touches the counter,

"Lisa, they look so, so good! Oh my gosh, I've never even smelled something so good!" I exclaim out as she grabs some plates, syrup, and utensils, but when I look up she's gazing at me with a sad smile making me tilt my head, curious,

"You're such a sweet girl, I- Rory, I just don't understand how, how those horrible people could've done everything Bryce has said they did to yo-" I swallow, blinking hard as I fight myself to keep listening to her as she speaks even though I start feeling like she's really far away, her voice getting quieter inside my head, but before she can finish her son's hard voice cuts her off sharply,

"Mom." I wince, jumping up into Bryce's cups hands over my shoulders. I bite my lip, closing my eyes as he continues because I know he's going to make this into more than it is, "I thought I said..." I swallow again as he trails off and I hear her sigh,

"I didn't mean to push any buttons, I'm sorry... Rory," I hear her pause before adding my name, knowing she probably added it from some look Bryce have her. I open my eyes, looking up and smiling at her with the kindest smile I can,

"It's fine Lisa, I don't really mind. I'm..." I bite my lip, not sure how to finish the sentence. Bryce squeezes my shoulders before wrapping his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my head, "I-I'm just working on putting s-some of i-it behind me still," I nod as I take a deep breath, trying to get rid of the stutter I hadn't heard in a while. I feel my heart beat raising but I try to ignore it, forcing my words, "Slowly but surely, y'know," Bryce squeezes me, staying silent now, as I see the sympathetic smile back on her face,

sweets || bryce hallWhere stories live. Discover now