Chapter 67: It's Over

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This is one of the chapters that was previously published in the sequel before being moved into the book. If you were up to date on the sequel, you should skip to Chapter 70!


Rory POV

I groggily raise my head, squinting through the light entering my eyes as I reach out for my phone. I must have exhausted myself, fallen asleep with the lights on. I pat around my bed, finally grabbing my phone as I move to my unsteadily stand.

As I move towards the light, reaching out with my hand, I answer my phone and hold it up to my ear, my eyes still mostly closed, "H-Hi? Bryce?" I yawn, moving to curl back into the bed,

"You know the way to my heart Sweets," I hear Bryce tease through the phone, making my subconsciously smile and relax a little bit into my pillow, "Feeding my ego right from your hand baby, every time you get excited to hear from me." I roll my eyes behind my eyelids, visualizing the smirk I can practically hear on his face.

It only takes a few seconds for the smile to drop though, as I remember why he could be calling, "Bryce?" I cautiously ask, pushing myself up to sit against the backboard and curl into myself, "Why... why were they there? What happened? You, you hung up and then I freaked myself out trying to not freak out and I guess I passed out. I should've texted you but I didn't want to mess up the-" I don't even know what I was trying to get to but my rambles were stopped anyway by Bryce interrupting me,

"Ror- Baby, you're okay. We're okay. You didn't need to text me, and honestly I'm glad to hear you got some sleep. Come outside Sweets, you can come out," My eyes widen, but I don't move for a moment, in shock.

Does this mean they're gone?

Did they just leave?

No they would've never just left. That's dumb Rory.

What the-

"Rory! Yo!" This time the voice isn't coming just through the phone, and it's isn't Bryce. Once my brain recognizes Blake's loud voice, it only takes a few seconds for me to hurl my body through the door to my right and down the hall,

"Bryce!" I yell, running right into his head low arms. He immediately catches me, throwing me up into the air and twirling me around in a tight, safe hug. I breathe in his scent, my shoulders falling and my body completely relaxed at his touch.

Once he lets me go I run to hug Noah and then Josh, and Blake, before turning to Kio, "Thank you," I say with a smile, hugging him tightly. He squeezes me back, laughing,

"Bryce, calm down, this girl isn't leaving you after only a few days in my apartment," I turn around towards my boyfriend, letting go of Kio as I see the look on Bryce's face. I giggle as he rolls his eyes at Kio, and I walk over, kissing him on the cheek. He presses a kiss to the top of my head as his arm wraps around me from the side,

"So, Aury, are you happy it's over?" I look at him confused, my emotions shifting between a lot of things as I try to figure out what he means and what could have happened, as Noah slaps the back of his head, Kio yells, and Bryce squeezes me tighter, a smile on his face when he looks down towards me,

"Blake! What the fuck?!" Kio shouts, rolling his eyes, "She doesn't know yet!"

"OW! Hey, that hurt! Dude!" He throws his arms up, halfheartedly glaring at Noah. I ignore the exchange, focusing on Bryce,

"They're gone?" He grins now, and nods, pulling me all the way into his chest,

"They're gone Sweets, and they're never going to fuck with our life ever again," I smile into his chest, as Blake lets out a whoop, and someone high-fives him.

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