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Claire's pov

Getting in the backseat with me, my uncle gave me an ice cold look as he grabbed my wrist and set the driver's belt down beside him. Gruffly pulling me across his lap, he smacked my bottom hard once before picking up the belt and folding it in half.

"Do not move and keep your mouth shut," he ordered rudely.

"UNCLE EJ, DON'T!" I shouted, trying to push myself up off his lap but he held me down. "Please don't spank me in the car. Someone could see us," I begged. This is so embarrassing and humiliating. Why can't we have tinted windows on all our SUVs like a normal rich Italian family?

"Not if you stay still and keep your mouth shut, brat." Slapping the belt down hard over my jogging shorts, he sternly said, "You know damn well you deserve this so don't fight me, Francesca, or I'll spank you again when we get back to the mansion."

I tried to stay still and quiet while he slapped the belt down repeatedly across my backside and thighs but it just hurt too damn much. I couldn't help trying to wriggle off his lap as I vocalized my displeasure with this punishment.

"I'm sorry I walked away without telling you. OW! Please stop," I said, pushing against the seat for leverage, only to be held down again by my angry uncle.

"Don't you ever take off like that again, or I swear to God I'll take your grandfather's strap to your ass. Do you understand me, little girl? You put yourself in danger by walking away from me. It's my job to keep you safe and I can't do that if I don't know where you are," he ranted, punctuating each sentence with the crack of the driver's belt on my already tender bottom.

"I won't, I promise." I grimaced each time I felt the sting of the leather permeate my skin. He wasn't spanking hard enough to make me cry, just enough to make it hurt like a son of a bitch and get his point across. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was actually worried about me.

After spanking me five more times, he said, "Good, then you've learned your lesson." He set the belt down beside him and lifted me off his lap. Spanking my bottom sharply with the palm of his hand before depositing me in my seat, he warned, "If you know what's good for you, you won't breathe a word of this to your grandfather. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

Rubbing my bottom before buckling my seatbelt, I respectfully replied, "Sì, Zio, ho capito (Yes, Uncle, I understand)." It's only fun getting Uncle EJ in trouble with Grandfather if I'm not in trouble right along with him. I watched him hand the driver his belt back. I looked away in shame when he made eye contact with me as he looped it back around his waist. I'm so embarrassed he witnessed my spanking.

When we got back to the mansion, Grandfather was sitting in the living room drinking an espresso as he read the morning paper.

He glanced at his watch before addressing my uncle, "Sei stato via per molto tempo solo per fare jogging (You've been away for a long time just for jogging). Hai incontrato dei problemi lungo la strada, ragazzo mio (Did you encounter some problems along the way, my boy)?"

"Non c'erano problemi, Padre (There were no problems, Father). Claire e io abbiamo trascorso un po 'di tempo in più indugiando nel parco per immergerci nello splendido scenario (Claire and I spent some extra time lingering in the park to soak up the beautiful scenery)."

My grandfather looked to me for confirmation of my uncle's response so I just smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Vieni qui, mia dolce nipotina (Come here, my sweet granddaughter)." Grandfather motioned for me to stand before him.

I looked to my uncle for guidance and he gave me a slight nod so I reluctantly made my way over to my grandfather. When I was just within reach, Grandfather placed his hands on my hips and positioned me between his knees.

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