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EJ's pov

Tony's brat of a daughter just stared at me with a blank look on her face.

"ANSWER ME, DAMMIT!" I shouted, pounding my fist on the dashboard. I am beyond furious with her for this. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN US ALL KILLED. YOU STUPID IMBECILE!"

I regretted calling her that as soon as the words left my mouth but I'm just so beyond angry right now, I have no filter. She could have been hurt, killed even, if things went south, if something went wrong. I can't allow that. How would I ever tell my brother and my father I got the little bastard murdered due to my carelessness?

Mistakes like that aren't tolerated in this business. They aren't forgiven. Thankfully, the handoff went smoothly but if it hadn't... I shake my head sadly. I don't want to think about that. If someone had seen her hiding in the back of the SUV, they might have thought it was a set-up or a sting. They could have opened fire. They could've... I don't want to think about that. I can't think about that.

My head hanging low, I close my eyes and sigh, saying a silent prayer, offering my thanks and begging for forgiveness. My chest tightens, causing me to inhale sharply when I look at my niece and see the tears welling in her eyes. She quickly wipes them away with her hands, turning to avoid me. I hurt her with what I said. I know I should apologize but now's not the time. I'm just too fucking angry.

I need to calm down a little before addressing her again. Signaling to the driver to get back on the road, I try to alleviate some of the tension in my jaw. Taking a deep breath, I exhale slowly as I rub my cheeks and chin.

"We will discuss this when we get back to the mansion. I'm too furious to deal with you right now, Francesca. You have no idea how much trouble you are in. Do you?" Without expecting or waiting for her to answer, I faced forward, remaining silent for the ride home.

Tony's little brat was crying. Hearing that bothered me much more than I'd care to admit. I sighed, looking to the heavens, wondering what I'm going to do with her. I never wanted this. She never wanted this. I didn't want my half-brother to saddle me with caring for her. She didn't want both her parents to be ripped from her life. Who comes out ahead in this situation? Who wins? None of us do, I thought sadly. Nobody benefits from this arrangement, least of all that little girl in tears in the backseat.

When we arrived back at the mansion, I opened the rear passenger door for my disobedient niece.

"Go straight to your grandfather's study and wait for me there."

She didn't say anything or even look at me as she ducked under my arm and ran past me into the house. I know I embarrassed and humiliated her when I screamed at her and called her an imbecile. She just startled the Hell out of me when she popped up from the backseat and started talking so I reacted without thinking. I don't ever want her to be involved in the family business. Just the thought of it alone terrifies me.

Slamming the car door and kicking one of the tires did little to relieve my frustration and if I'm being honest with myself, I still need some time to calm down before I discipline Tony's little pain in the ass. My guess is she doesn't even think she did anything wrong. God! Why are kids so stupid?

I had one of the servants bring a glass of merlot out to the gazebo for me, figuring I'd sip it as I walked through the gardens while trying to rein in my temper. As much as I want to spank the shit out of the brat for what she did today, I'm pretty sure there's a reason I shouldn't. So now I just have to find out what that reason is. Maybe the twerp's starting to grow on me afterall, otherwise I wouldn't care this much and I wouldn't even be struggling with this decision in the first place.

Forty minutes later, I strode confidently into my father's study to deal with my niece.

"It's about time," she snarked. "What took you so long?" She righted herself from hanging upside down on one of Father's high-backed arm chairs. Sitting upright crossing her arms indignantly, she glared at me. She obviously inherited her father's unmitigated gall and her mother's delusional self-righteousness. God this kid's a piece of work.

"Lose the attitude, nipote (niece), before I spank it out of you with your grandfather's strap."

She unwisely maintained her entitled defiance, replying snottily, "I didn't even do anything wrong."

I called it. Maybe I should make a point of hitting one of the casinos this week. Chuckling, I shook my head in disbelief before slamming my hands down on my father's desk, the sharp crack of my palms slapping against the wood startling her as she jumped.

"Actually, that's not true as you did several things wrong. You broke more than one of my rules today with that stunt you pulled. But what's the one rule I won't compromise on, Francesca?" I glared at her, my anger reigniting at the thought of her possibly getting hurt.

She looked down, clearly afraid now and hopefully ashamed.

"Nah ah." I snapped my fingers. "Look me in the eye when you answer me," I commanded sharply. "That was your only warning. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Si signore (Yes sir)," she said, looking me in the eye, responding respectfully. That's one point in her favor.

"Now answer my question, piccola ragazza (little girl). Which rule will I never allow to be broken without severe consequence?"

"When I do something that jeopardizes my safety." She almost broke eye contact after squeaking out her reply but corrected herself when she heard me clear my throat.

"Hai ragione (That's right)."

"I just wanted to see where you work. I didn't mean to make you mad. You didn't have to yell at me and call me names," she mumbled softly and sadly. "That hurt my feelings and you should apologize."

Sighing, I replied, "You could have been hurt and that is unacceptable. I'm not interested in hearing your excuses and you are in no position to tell me what I should do." I tried to lift her chin to meet my eyes but she jerked away from my touch. Her sadness is quickly being replaced by anger and that will not bode well for her.

Her voice rising in volume, she unwisely replies, "You said you and my dad and Grandfather all work for the family business and I'm part of this family so I have a right to know what I'll be doing when I grow up."

Hearing her speak like she was going to follow in our footsteps infuriated me. Staring her dead in the eyes, I shouted using an ice cold tone she had yet to be privy to hear come out of my mouth as up until this point she'd never made me mad enough to warrant it.


Even though my tone appeared to scare her, she refused to give up her fight.

"Why, because I'm a girl?" she sneered, balling her little hands into fists at her side as her anger escalated.

I stood silently seething as I contemplated what my next move should be. I'm afraid if I put my hands on her in any capacity right now, even if it's just to take her over my knee, I won't be able to stop myself from taking it too far and really hurting her.

"Is that why Aunt Lexie isn't in the family business? Cuz she's a girl and only dumb boys are allowed? That's not fair and you know it. She's just as smart as you and Dad and..."

"ENOUGH!" I shouted angrily, interrupting her mid rant as I roughly grabbed her arm, ready to take action, intending to pull her over my knee and begin her spanking but thankfully I didn't. "That is enough, Claire Francesca," I repeated in a much softer tone, after seeing the look of pure fear on her face. Releasing my hold on her, I sighed as my shoulders slumped forward. "Go to your room," I stated firmly but calmly, while pointing to the door. I still don't trust myself to use restraint if I punish her now.

"FINE!" she shouted, apparently regaining her courage as she stomped off slamming the door on her way out.

That scared look on her face is the same one I saw staring back at me in the mirror twelve years ago as I stood in her place in this very room facing the wrath of my father for the first time. I promised my eleven-year-old self that day I would never be like the monster standing before me despite him sharing my DNA and that's a promise I intend to keep.

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