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The next morning

Claire's pov

I was sitting by myself in the dining room eating a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal when my uncle walked in looking like he just rolled out of bed. He was shirtless, clad only in a pair of black satin boxers and had a five o'clock shadow but his hair of course was perfectly styled. He looked at me and grunted in lieu of a greeting before pouring himself a cup of tea. The servants had tea and coffee available 24/7, never knowing which my grandfather and uncle would prefer at any given moment.

"Couldn't be bothered to put clothes on to come and eat?" I asked, without taking my eyes off the blue moons floating atop the milk left in my bowl.

"Touche, however, I'm not staying, brat. I just came to get a spot of tea and a cup of coffee." My uncle stood staring at me as he leaned against the counter sipping his Earl Grey.

"How come you never came back to my room last night?" I asked softly, knowing I probably wouldn't like the answer.

We were interrupted when my uncle's latest "lady friend" came bounding into the dining room. When he started dating my tutor, I didn't think I'd have to see any more random bimbos hanging around, but apparently he and Sofia have an agreement and they aren't exclusive, whatever that means. I don't know how it was possible, but this skank had even less clothes on than my uncle did. Thankfully, she had a skimpy silk robe hanging off her that at least partially covered the even skimpier outfit underneath.

"I thought you said you were gonna bring me my coffee," she pouted, as she hung all over my uncle.

"Good things come to those who wait, luv," he replied, turning to hand her the cup of coffee that he'd just finished pouring a minute ago.

She giggled like an idiot as she momentarily unattached herself from him to take the cup.

"Now why don't you run upstairs and wait for me like a good girl." My uncle flashed his charming smile that makes all the ladies melt.

"Promise you won't be too long?" she baby talked, sticking her lower lip out to exaggerate her pout as she ran the fingers of her free hand all over my uncle's chest.

"Go on," Uncle EJ said, grinning as he pointed to the door, giving her a playful swat on the behind as soon as she turned around. Once she left, he looked at me, inquiring absentmindedly, "What did you ask me before she came in, Claire?"

"It's not important. I already got my answer so why don't you just go back upstairs with your airhead, slutty bitch and let me finish my magically delicious breakfast in peace."

"Excuse me!" my uncle said in warning, giving me the chance to apologize, in order to avoid further reprimand.

"No, you're not excused!" I shouted, standing up quickly, pushing myself away from the table. I angrily tossed my spoon into the cereal bowl, splashing milk out all over the tablecloth in the process.

I turned and ran out of the dining room, ignoring my uncle as he yelled, "CLAIRE FRANCESCA, YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!"

I sprinted upstairs to my bedroom and slammed the door. Sliding down to the floor, I buried my head in my hands as I started to cry. I'm so mad at my stupid uncle right now. I needed him last night and he blew me off for some stupid, random bimbo.

"CLAIRE, OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" my uncle shouted, while knocking forcefully.

"GO AWAY! I DON'T WANNA TALK TO YOU!" I tried to cover up the fact I was crying by steadying my voice, but I'm pretty sure it was still obvious.

"Well, I want to talk to you, so open the door." His tone was still stern but it had softened quite a bit.

"NO!" I replied automatically, out of anger. "Leave me alone and go be with your stupid whore girlfriend." I got up slowly and face planted on my bed, covering my ears with my pillow to block out my uncle's incessant knocking. After another minute of him shouting my name and pounding on my door, I lifted my face off my pillow, turned my head, and yelled, "If you want to come in so bad, just OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!"

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