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EJ's pov

Claire started therapy the next day and she's continued having sessions for five weeks now. Father arranged for a psychologist to come to the house twice a week. Dr. Gabriella Biasi was referred to us by one of our trusted associates. Her practice consists solely of patients whose families are connected so we don't have to worry about her sticking her nose into matters pertaining to our business.

Her first few sessions seemed to help Claire work through her issues with forgiving my father for punishing her so severely with the strap when she left the grounds with Tuono. Gabriella's also been helping her cope with the loss of her mother and Tony's absence. Seeing the progress she's made with my niece in such a short period of time has me considering using her professional services as well, perhaps even her personal services considering the fact she is quite attractive.

I don't normally date women in their forties but I'd be willing to make an exception for her. She's incredibly confident and self-assured but her most alluring trait is her refusal to put up with my bullshit, for lack of a better term. I can't slip anything past her as she quickly recognizes the truth behind my words and actions. It's both infuriating and fascinating how easily she psychoanalyzes me.

There is one downside to Claire's therapy sessions, however. Gabriella has been focusing on boosting Claire's confidence to improve her self-esteem and her ability to cope with stressful situations. Normally a little self-confidence wouldn't be a bad thing but I'm afraid Dr. Biasi has created a monster. Claire's becoming brash, rude, and borderline obnoxious. I mean she's always been a brat but now she's unbearable.

It's been five weeks since she started therapy and we've had several run-ins lately regarding her entitled attitude and even more discussions about her overstepping her bounds. This girl seriously needs to learn her place. She's the child, I'm the adult. I make the rules, she follows them. When I speak, she listens. What I say goes. I am in charge and when she disobeys me, she will be punished, end of story.

Wednesday was a perfect example of my niece mistaking disrespect for a display of self-confidence.

"I'm going to the stables to ride Tuono," she called out to me from the living room, as she was heading for the door.

"Hold up," I yelled, setting my cup of tea down as I emerged from the dining room to confront her.

"What?" she snapped rudely.

"First off, lose the attitude. Secondly, you don't tell me what you're doing, you ask permission. Thirdly, you're not going anywhere until you complete your Italian homework. Sofia's coming tomorrow and she said you've been slacking off lately. You better get it done immediately so I can check it over." I narrowed my eyes at my niece in warning.

"Yeah, I don't think so," she sassed, turning to leave.

"Do not take another step towards that door, young lady," I stated sternly, to indicate I'm not messing around.

"Step," she said, mocking me, lifting her leg slowly in an exaggerated drawn out motion.

"Backtalk me one more time, piccola ragazza (little girl), and I will spank the brattiness right out of you. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Whatever. I'm going to the stables to ride Tuono now. I don't know when I'll be back so don't hold your breath on me getting my Italian homework done anytime soon," she replied snottily.

"That is it!" I yelled, as I hastily closed the gap between us, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her to me. I proceeded to deliver five harsh slaps to her bottom as she struggled to free herself from my grasp.

"OW! Knock it off, Uncle EJ. That hurts," she whined, continuing to try to pull away from me.

"I warned you what would happen if you kept mouthing off, yet you persisted in sassing me." Keeping hold of her, I pulled her towards the couch. Taking a seat, I commanded, "Supera il mio ginocchio, monella (Get over my knee, brat)!"

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