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Dinner at the mansion

EJ's pov

When Claire asked if we were going to wait for her father to join us before eating, I just about choked to death on my green beans. I cannot believe my father did this.

"Your father won't be joining us for dinner, Francesca. He's away on a business trip right now," Father calmly explained.

"Father, may I speak with you in private for a minute?" I asked, trying hard to hide my disgust with his questionable-at-best decisions.

"No, we're having dinner now, Elliot James. Potremmo parlare dopo (We may speak afterwards)."

"Father, I think we should speak now," I persisted.

My father exhaled angrily through his nose, his lips pressed tightly together in a thin scowl.

"And I think you should find your humility right quick, my son, before I'm forced to remind you of your place in this family. Non farmi ripetere me stessa (Do not make me repeat myself)."

My cheeks flushed in embarrassment, being chastised like a child in front of Tony's little brat. She failed to hide the mirth on her face upon hearing my scolding but when I glared at her, she quickly lowered her head. She'll learn soon enough how far down in the pecking order she is in this family.

The misplaced satisfaction on her face didn't go unnoticed by Father, however, so he gave her a swift warning, "Siediti dritto e mangia la tua cena, bambina (Sit up straight and eat your dinner, little girl)."

Despite knowing she was being chastised, the brat inexplicably ignored Father's warning.

"I have literally no idea what you said, Grandfather, but if you called me a baby, I'm not a baby." She sneered in my direction as she uttered her attitude laden reply. Rookie mistake.

"Francesca, you and I are overdue for a private discussion in my study, which will take place immediately after supper. Until then, I suggest you sit quietly and eat. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Yes, Grandfather," she wisely replied, humbly.

Obviously she's picking up some Italian, I thought to myself. She'll quickly learn becoming fluent in the language is not optional. I'm surprised my father doesn't already have a private tutor here for her. I certainly hope he doesn't think I'm going to teach her.

Father gave her a curt nod, indicating he was satisfied with her answer.

"A perfect example to illustrate the phrase children should be seen and not heard," I quipped.

"Elliot James, sarai il prossimo in linea se non ti dispiace le tue maniere (you'll be next in line if you don't mind your manners)."

Father gave me a very pointed look so I kept my mouth shut for the remainder of the meal.

"Francesca, you may be excused to wait for me in my study." My father's tone was downright chilly.

Claire angrily wiped her face with her napkin, threw it down on the table, and stormed off full of piss and vinegar, not bothering to respond, nor push her chair in, for that matter. Lorenzo was about to point this out to her but Father subtly shook his head, waving him off. There were bigger fish to fry at the moment.

Placing the icy cold Limoncello down in front of us, he and the last of the servants vacated the dining room, leaving Father and I to enjoy our after dinner drink in private.

"Now we may discuss what's on your mind, my dear boy," Father said quite cheerfully, seeming to be in a much better mood now that the tension present throughout the meal had vanished, along with Tony's snot-nosed brat.

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