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EJ's pov

Standing in front of her, I tilted her chin up to meet my gaze as I said, "I'm sure you'll look beautiful, Claire." Overcome with emotion at the thought of her experiencing such a momentous milestone without either of her parents there to witness it, I pulled her into my arms and hugged her briefly. "I'm sorry your mom and dad won't be there tomorrow to see you but your grandfather, your aunt, and I will be front and center. I'm extremely proud of you Claire for doing this for your grandfather. It means the world to him." Especially since my ignorant half-brother never invited him to her baptism. That's an extremely sore subject with Father so hopefully no one brings it up at the party. Tony will never live that down. I honestly think that's why Father is having Claire take her First Holy Communion while Tony's away. It's his way of getting back at him for the slight of not being invited to her baptism.

One hour later

Claire's pov

Knock knock

"Come in," I called out without looking up from my Italian workbook, figuring it was Alfred or my uncle bothering me about something stupid or unimportant.

"I'm looking for a beautiful Italian princess who's about to receive her First Communion. I heard she was here," my aunt said, peeking her head through the doorway.

"AUNT LEXIE, YOU'RE HERE!" I shouted excitedly, throwing my homework aside as I jumped off my bed to greet her.

"Of course, sweetheart. I'm excited and honored to celebrate this special occasion with you."

I sat with my aunt until dinner was ready as we looked at pictures on her phone to get some ideas of how I wanted my hair to look for the ceremony. We found a really cute french braid style that kind of zig-zagged and I really liked the idea my aunt had of weaving tiny lilac and white flowers throughout the braids. I'll have to wear the same headband of white flowers as the other girls at the church but Aunt Lexie's gonna put the flowers in as soon as we get home so I'll have them in for my party. Grandfather had me order my dress online over a month ago but my aunt hasn't seen it yet so I modeled it for her with the new shoes she bought me.

The dress is really just for my party since no one will see it at the church. All the kids have to wear identical white robes during the actual ceremony. I still wanted to get a really pretty dress so I could show off for my party though. Grandfather has been telling me for months what a big deal it is that I'm receiving my First Holy Communion so he was more than happy to let me pick out whatever dress I wanted, regardless of how much it cost.

Aunt Lexie and I lost track of time as we talked about my clothes, shoes, hair, and makeup for the ceremony and party. She's the only grown-up I can discuss all these girly things with so I tend to get carried away sometimes. Before we realized how long we'd been chatting, Alfred called us down to dinner. I suddenly felt really sad. Noticing the change in my mood, my aunt asked me what was wrong.

"I'm really glad you're here, Aunt Lexie, but I'm just really missing my parents the more we talk about my First Holy Communion tomorrow."

"If there was any way possible for your father to be there tomorrow, you know he would be. He loves you more than anything, sweetheart, and he'll be there with you in spirit, just like your mom. I know she wasn't particularly religious, but I have a feeling she'll be smiling down on you during the ceremony," my aunt said, wiping my tears before wrapping her arms around me.

I cried softly as I allowed her to comfort me. I'm okay with letting her see me cry over missing my parents. I still feel kinda awkward doing stuff like that around my uncle and grandfather though. I know Aunt Lexie won't judge me or make fun of me.

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