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Claire's pov

When my aunt found out about the problems I was having with my online schooling, she booked a plane ticket for that weekend. She was not happy with me, especially since the only reason she found out to begin with was because my snitch of an uncle tattled on me. Regardless, I'm still glad she's coming to visit, even if she's mad at me.

When Aunt Lexie arrived, she found me in my room. I mean, where else would I be, since I'm still grounded?

"Buon pomeriggio (Good afternoon), Claire. Come sta la mia dolce nipote oggi (How's my sweet niece doing today)?"

"Aunt Lexie!" I shouted, running up to give her a hug. "I'm so glad you're here. I've missed you, a lot actually since Uncle EJ is being so mean."

"I missed you too, baby. Although, I wish I were here under better circumstances." She frowned, giving me a disapproving look.

"I know, Aunt Lexie, and I'm sorry but please don't lecture me. I've been yelled at enough about my schoolwork," I whined.

"Claire, I didn't fly all the way here from California just to yell at you. I could do that over the phone."

I suddenly got very nervous my aunt was gonna spank me.

"Wha_what did you come here t_to do then?" I asked stuttering, as I instinctively covered my bottom while slowly increasing the distance between us.

"Relax, Claire, I didn't mean I was going to punish you. I came here to help you. Before you came to Italy, you were always such a good student. What happened? What changed? Is it the language barrier? Is it..."

Cutting her off before she could rattle off any more questions, I interjected saying, "No, it's nothing like that, Aunt Lexie. I just, I don't, I, um..." Thinking about my dad, I started to cry. Seeing my aunt again reminded me of everything I left behind when my father brought me here to Italy under false pretenses. This is becoming more real with each passing day. This is becoming my new reality and although I'm compelled to continue resisting it, I'm also subconsciously resigning myself to accept it, which I hate.

My aunt sat me down on my bed and wrapped her arms around me as I cried into her shoulder. She rocked me gently and shushed me soothingly for several minutes, waiting for me to calm down. When I finally did, she went into my bathroom to get me some tissues and a glass of water. Sitting down beside me, she handed me the items and began gently rubbing my back in calming rhythmic motions.

After wiping my eyes, blowing my nose, and drinking half the water, I felt a little better. I looked at my aunt, giving her a sad slight smile in lieu of a thank you for once again sensing my needs before I was made aware of them myself, let alone able to verbalize them.

"Parla con me, mia dolce ragazza (Talk to me, my sweet girl). Dimmi cosa ti ha turbato così tanto. Tell me what has you so upset."

I got the first part. She told me to talk to her and called me a sweet girl. Knowing I wouldn't understand the second part of what she said, my aunt automatically translated it for me.

"I just miss Dad," I said, crying all over again. I feel like such a baby but I can't help it. When it comes down to it, I'm just a little girl who wants her daddy to make it all better, to make everything okay again. It's kind of pathetic how quickly I became a daddy's girl after losing my mom.

"I know you miss him, sweetheart, we all do." Handing me some more tissues, she added, "But I think you also know that doesn't give you carte blanche when it comes to your schooling." She gave my bottom a little warning pat.

"I don't know what a carte blanche is, Aunt Lexie, but I'm sure Uncle EJ would never buy me one anyway. He never lets me get anything when he's shopping online," I pouted.

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