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Narrator's POV

People were running towards the horrific scene, the two girls wrapped in each other that they've watched fall out the window have landed on top of a car. The one on top was barely moving, she had blood on her face and she was trying to wake the one who was protecting her from the impact. Her cracked screams of a particular name were heard all over the street. As she tried to shake her body.

"Luci, please wake up" she cried but not because she was in so much pain but because her lover was unresponsive under her. She put her hands on Lucifer's bloody face gently holding her cheeks. She cried on her lover's chest until she felt medics pulling her off of her.

She couldn't fight them because her body was too weak to move so she just let them carry her away but her eyes haven't left Lucifer's body. She tried to reach for her one last time with a tear on her face she whispered

"I love you..."

Lucifer's POV

"Hello!" My voice echoed, I was walking in a white place barefooted. There was nobody here and I didn't even know where I was.

"Lucifer..." I heard a voice call for me, I turned around me to see where it came from. Far away, stood a figure. From the long black hair I can say it was a woman. Maybe she'll have answers, I ran towards her and as I got closer I recognized her.

"Mom?" She gave me a small smile and opened her arms for me. I felt like a little kid all over again, I jumped on her crying on her shoulder. She chuckled softly and pulled back touching my face. I lost my mother when I was 12 to cancer, she was the only person that protected me from my abusive father but when she died he took advantage of that and beat me daily.

"Look at you all beautiful and grown" she said pinching my cheeks, I kissed her palms and just enjoyed seeing her again.

"Am I dead?" I asked her as we walked, I didn't even know where we were going.

"That's going to be your choice, I'll show you two doors and you get to choose what to do. Change your destiny or let destiny change you" I looked at her confused, what does she mean by that. I can't change destiny, and what does she mean by destiny changing me. Does mean accept my faith and die?

She waved her hand in the air and now we were in a hospital room at Angel laying her head on a bed holding my unconscious body's hand. She was sleeping and from what I can see she's been crying too. I walked closer to her and tried to touch her head but my hand went right through it.

"Angel..." I whispered, she stirred a little and opened her eyes. She looked my way and smiled. Was she really looking at me? She ran to me and I just stood there looking at her. She ran right through me and I turned to find her in a warm hug with Tala. Wait... Tala is alive?! Cool!

"You see my child, you can go back to this life you want but you'll have some... What can I say, issues. Or you can stay here with me until doomsday" we were back at the white place only this time in front of me was a big green field with all different types of flowers and trees. Some kids wearing also white robes came running towards me grabbing my hands pulling me to that field, their laughter was heard all over the place. People would wave at me and welcome me and others gave me flowers. I turned around to look at Angel one last time and smiled....


Well what do you think is gonna happen 🤔


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